Chapter 11

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Y/N and Barry managed to stay up on that rooftop all night long, they even watched the sunrise together, as they were watching the city slowly waking up Barry looked down at Y/N who was relaxing in his arms. He had to admit, he liked seeing her in her suit, then she began to stir.

"Morning," Y/N said looking up at Barry with a smile on her face. He could always make her feel better, even when she was down, the thought of Thawne still lingered in the back of her head.

"Morning," he said in his morning voice. God she loved that; if she had a list of things she loved most about Barry that would be number one. She gave him a quick kiss before snuggling her head back into his chest.

"As much as I love this, and you...I have to be at the station in five minutes," Barry said looking down at her. He didn't want to, but his day job beckoned.

"Fine," she said getting up, he could tell that she wasn't happy about it.

"Tell you what, I get off at noon today, meet me at the station and we'll go out to lunch...okay?" he said lifting her chin bringing her eyes to his.

"Okay," she said with a smile. He kissed her forehead before racing off to ensure that he wasn't late to work. Y/N stood there on the rooftop for a while until Cisco called her back to S.T.A.R. Labs.

"Y/N sped into the Cortex leaving skid marks near the entrance. She looked at Cisco as he spun around in his chair.

"You and Barry both do that...and neither of you ever clean it up," he said slightly annoyed, but Y/N could tell he had something else to tell her.

"You gonna keep complaining or tell me something useful?" Y/N asked raising a brow at Cisco.

"Yes, actually I do have something useful," he said spinning back around. Y/N walked up to him standing beside him as he typed away.

"When Thawne took those files he downloaded them onto something, those files are still linked however to the S.T.A.R. Labs satellite so when he opens then we can track it an-" Y/N cut him off.

"And figure out his location...that's genius Cisco," Y/N said.

" and Barry got a lunch date today huh?" Cisco said looking up at her with a grin.

"You were listening?" Y/N said the anger in her voice was evident as she looked at Cisco with a stern look.

"If you didn't want me to listen you should have turned off your coms," he said defending his eavesdropping.

"Who's listening to who?" Caitlin asked walking in the lab.

"Cisco over here was listening to Barry and I's conversation this morning," Y/N turning her glare back to Cisco.

"Cisco! you said that after their rooftop conversation you would stop," Caitlin said as she darted the same glare toward Cisco.

"In my defense, their conversation this morning was still on that rooftop," Cisco said looking at both Caitlin and Y/N.

Y/N shook her head at him before speeding back to Barry's apartment to shower, change, and get ready for their date.

An hour later:

Barry had said noon, but Y/N decided to show up a few minutes early she passed Joe on the way in after walking out of the elevator.

"Hey Joe, is Barry up in his lab?" Y/N asked.

"Yeah, I think so, why?" Joe asked curiously.

"We're going out for lunch," Y/N said unable to control the smile growing on her face.

"Oh okay good, all Barry did today was talk about you," he said relaxing a bit.

All Y/N could do was smile as she headed up the stairs to Barry's lab.

"Hey Barry," Y/N said smiling as she went and sat on his desk next to him, "You ready to go?" she asked.

"Yeah just a sec," Barry said getting up from his chair and kissing her before walking off to put something away.

"Okay, ready to go," Barry said putting out his arm. Y/N got up and took it as they walked out of the lab and off to the restaurant. 

After lunch:

Barry decided to walk through the park before heading to S.T.A.R. Labs with Y/N. As they were walking with their hands intertwined Barry asked,

"What's wrong," as he had noticed that Y/N seemed a little off during their date.

"Hm...nothing," she said with a smile that Barry could tell wasn't genuine.

"Something is definitely wrong," he said stopping and turning to face her, he took her hands in his, "I know you better than that Y/N."

"Just can't get the thought of Thawne out of my head," she said looking down and away from Barry.

Barry could tell that this was really bothering Y/N. He had an idea to take her mind off of the idea. He lifted her chin and brought her eyes to his and cupped her face in his hands, and then he kissed her, locking their lips together he could feel her begin to kiss back. Then they broke for air...

"Better?" he asked staring into her eyes, their foreheads touching.

"Better," Y/N said nodding her head with a smile. The two continued on their walk until their phones went off...

"Barry, Y/N there's a robbery at 3rd and Weston, reports of people turning angry on one another," Cisco said.

"Bivolo," Barry said before racing after his suit.

"Who?" Y/N said activating her ring and racing to the robbery.

"Don't look in his eyes," Barry said to Y/N while she was speeding to the crime.

"Why?" Y/N asked confused, she had just arrived, everyone was attacking each other. Y/N and Barry had successfully saved two people from shooting each other and saved one from a nasty fall off the balcony. After everyone had seemed to come off of their anger high Y/N went outside to find Barry.

"Who's Bivolo?" Y/N asked looking at Barry wondering why he was so concerned about her looking into his eyes.

"He's a meta that can induce rage, bad thing if it happens to a speedster," he said looking into her eyes to make sure she wasn't whammied.

"Barry...he was gone by the time I got here, I'm fine," she said putting her hands on his face to reassure him. 

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