Chapter 8

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 I woke to a knocking on the door. Who was at my house at 8 in the flucking morning?! 

"Hello?" I said groggily, I had on a red tank top and black sleep shorts, I was glad i was at least wearing one of my more... 'decent' pj out fits. I didn't even bother covering my arms, it wasn't a deep cut, so it wasn't that noticible, and, i had a cat, i could just blame her. "Oh! Hey Karkat, what are you doing here so early?" 

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!" He threw a package at me and slipped into the house, going into the kitchen. "Um, thanks?" He was making pancakes.  Not that i minded, honestly, it was kind of nice. "Open it!" I looked at him suspeciously before ripping it open. It was a red beanie, a new pair of red converse, white skinny jeans, and a tea shirt exact opposite of my turn table one, white sleeves, red torso, white turn disk. "Thanks Karkat! I love it!" I pretty much tackle hugged him. "oof." I was very thankfull, my old shoes were falling apart, he just got me a whole new outfit! "Yah, can you get the f*ck off me now?" I giggled and let him get up. Another knock on the door? "Coming!" I yelled and rushed for the door, my mood was instantly spoiled. "What, are you doing here?" Karkat came up behind me. "Hey, i wanted to let you know, that wasn't me that texted you yesterday, that was Jade." 

"Yah, while you where getting hot with her." He looked shocked. "I have a f*ck*ng window." I slammed the door on a very shocked Dave and slid down it with my back against it. "Hey rebound boy! Hope you like her when she's wanting me back!" I heard him scream and walk away. I looked up through my teary eyes to see a very angry Karkat. "That...That... b*st*rd!" He hugged me tightly and held me while I cried. "Thanks Karkat." He just offered a smile and pulled me into the kitchen and handed me a stack of pancakes. I drowned them in syrup and took a bite, they were delicious! I finally noticed two horns on his head, they definitely weren't as big as gamzee's in fact, they were actually quite small, about the length of my pinkie. I noticed i was staring, and quickly looked down. "So, where's your mom?" 

"My mums not coming home until Tuesday." 

"I thought she was coming today." 

.plans changed." I shrugged and continued eating. "Well, what would you like to do for your birthday?"

"Well, it's a tie from shopping, and staying here and watching movies all day and eating ice cream." He grinned evily and said, "Romcoms?" 

"Romcoms." He took my finished plate and rinsed it before running to his car, "Be right back!" I went into my room and changed into ripped black jeans and a red tank top. I didn't bother to put my shades back on, so what if Karkat saw them? There was a knock on the door and Karkat slipped in. He was carrying mutiple bucket, yes, i said buckets of ice cream, along with at least five movies. He set the ice cream down next to me and went to put in the first movie. After he was done, he sat next to me. We were propped up with pillows and shoveling ice cream into my mouh, i was silently saying to myself, "you know, dating KK wouldn't be so bad." 

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Homestuck: Dawn. Dave's match, or is she?Where stories live. Discover now