Chapter 4

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It was Aunt Jenny, this means food for me everyday. I ran to her and hugged her tightly, Thank you, God! Thank you. "Aunt Jenny, when did you come?" Excitement was running in my veins and my heart was beating hard with the happiness it pumped out with enthusiasm.

"This morning," she said smiling.

"And for how long are you staying."

"Two months," she said smiling widely and her eyes twinkling at me. I hugged her once again. Oh my God! Jackpot.

"You look hungry and skinny, tell me what do you want to eat?" Yes, skinny because Tiago doesn't let me eat and now that you are here you'll be sure to feed me well. I hope.

"I want to eat Mac and cheese." I said. I miss the gooey cheese and the soft macroni. It feels ages ago I had it. And it's true.

"Mac and Cheese, coming up." She went into the kitchen and after forty-five minutes came with a bowl of Mac and Cheese only for me.

"Thank you, Aunt Jenny. You are the best." I took the bowl from her hands and ate it hungrily. I looked like a three year old as by the mess I was creating.

During this time, Tiago came home. I looked at him with joy which he always extinguished by his beating, but not now. Not for two months.

After a delightful dinner, I and Aunt Jenny went into my room. We don't have a guest room so she stayed with me. It'll be fun.

"It's going to be so much fun." I said.

"Yes it is. So tell me about everything: your job and anyone new in your life?" She said sitting on the couch which is now converted to a bed.

"I work as a waitress at the 'Howdy' diner. I could take you there tomorrow. As far as someone in my life. No, no one." I lied on my bed and stared at the ceiling as I talked to her.

"I am going to sleep as I am really tired. Goonight." She covered herself with a blanket and went to sleep.

"Goodnight." I said turning the light off and going to my balcony. I saw a paper airplane on the floor I picked it and unfolded it a number was written on it. Very smart.

I went inside and added the number to my phone, lied on my bed and texted him:

Willow Hey
Justin Hi
Willow What are you doing?
Justin I was waiting for you at first. . .
Justin You didn't come so I threw the airplane so that you could talk to me.
Justin And yeah you did.
Willow Sorry for making you wait. It's just my aunt came so I was occupied with her.
Justin Oh. . .
Justin What are you doing?
Willow Talking to you
Willow You were saying something about dinner, earlier this evening
Justin Yeah
Willow I could have dinner with you
Justin Great, tomorrow, 8 pm at my backyard.
Willow Are we going to have dinner at your backyard?
Justin No.
Justin The place is a surprise.
Willow I love surprises.
Justin Who doesn't like surprises?
Willow You.
Justin I like surprises.
Willow But soon you won't.
Justin Why?
Willow It is a surprise.
Justin Wait. . .
Willow What?
Willow Hello?
Willow Are you there?
Justin Come to your balcony
Willow Okay.

I went to my balcony and looked over at his house when a hand was placed on my shoulder. I jumped and imstantly punched the figure behind me in his stomach.

I turned my flashlight on through my phone. Justin was clutching his stomach. "Hey," a crooked smile appeared on his face. He is very stupid.

"Justin," I took him inside my room and made him sit on the chair. "You scared the shit out of me," I whispered.

"Yes I did, but you weren't scared you actually punched me," he whispered.

"Next time, don't do anything like that. Promise."

"Promises are meant to be broken. But okay, promise."

"Don't break this one."

"Can't give a guarantee." I smacked his back. He laughed.

"Now, you should go home."

"Wait. . .what?"

"Yes, get up and go home." I said pulling his arm.

"I can't go home from the way I came my stomach is hurting."

"I will help you." I threw his arm around my neck and helped him stand up.

We slowly descended the stairs, trying not to make noise. My forehead was touching his chin, his hand around my neck, my one hand around his waist and the other clutching his hand around my neck. We were so close to each other. I was so absorbed in my thoughts that I missed a step and I fell from the stairs pulling him with me. It didn't made a noise though, Thank God.

I was on the floor half dead, half alive, Justin was beside me and he was practically laughing which made me giggle,"Now, get up. You have to go home." I said getting up, with a strong ache in my head.

"Yeah," He gets up and we both walk out.

"Will you knock and enter your house?" I said.

"No I've got a different strategy." He said grinning.

"And what is that?" I fold my hands at the back.

"Watch this." He started to climb up the tree, he reached the most strongest branch, walked on it carefully. It was as if watching an acrobat in a circus. He reached his balcony and jumped off from the branch. "Ta da," he said and I clapped lightly for him.

I quickly went into my room and texted him:

Willow I knew you were lying about the stomach ache.
Willow Why did you act it all out?
Justin Wanted to see that of you are strong or not.
Willow Should I punch you again to show my strength?
Justin No
Justin That's enough for today.
Willow What are you thinking?
Willow ?
Justin Is it really 2 am in the morning?
Justin Check your clock.
Willow Yes it is. Wow it's been so late.
Willow I have to go and sleep, bye.
Justin Good night.
Willow Good night.

Author's Note:
I have nothing to say.
Just share your thought on what do you think will happen next.

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