Chapter 36

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The first thing I do after arriving home is to go to my room. I walk in and see Willow's photograph on my desk. It was of when we went for sky diving, she was so happy and excited. Always ready for adventure.

I grabbed my phone because that's the evidence. Her voice. I know I am a weirdo.


I meet that officer and he said shockingly, "Do you have your evidence?"

I held up my phone. "It is in here."

"Let's see." I opened the voice recorder and clicked the one which had contained her past.

I played it. The officer listened to it. Her voice showed that she was suffering for so long. That was the day I wanted her to be freed from violence. As the recording ended her voice vanished.

"See, kid. That's not enough evidence." He said.

"Then, look through your complaint history I filed a complaint almost two weeks ago." He looked at me and took out the book. He flipped through the pages till he came to the page where the complaint was written.

"Not enough." He sat back on his chair.

"I have one last evidence." He nodded slightly. "Her wounds. She had wounds on her back. Brutal cuts made by a belt."

He called out to a woman officer and said, "Look if that girl has scars on her back." The officer went away.

I was sitting on bench thinking what have I done when a woman officer came.

She swung the door open and she reached to lift my shirt. "Hey, back off." I said pushing her hands away from me.

"Let me do my job." She took out her gun. "Stay still." I obeyed her and she lifted my shirt from the back.

I felt a finger tracing my back. She pulled the shirt down and went out. "Tell me what is happening." I yelled.

My head was throbbing really badly. As if my skill will split open. I grabbed a bunch of my hair and pulled it as I closed my eyes. I was surrounded by my own shrieks, a continuous hitting of something and my father's voice. I came to the realization. My father was abusing me for a long time. I say yhere

The officer came and said, "She had cuts on her back."

I was surrounded by my own shrieks, a continuous hitting of something and my father's voice. I came to the realization. My father was abusing me for a long time.

"I told you." I said.

I sat there as everything made sense pieces fell into one another and the jigsaw was completed.

"Go and set her free." The officer scratched his head.

I remember now.

A smile came on my face. I dialled Kyle's number. "Hey Kyle."

The same officer unlocked the door and said, "You are free to go." I hesitantly walked out I wanted to ask questions but I didn't.

As I walked out of the police station I saw Kyle standing under a tree. I ran slowly towards him, pulling him in a hug. I see her hug Kyle, a pang of jealousy rushed through me. She cannot see me as I am hidden above them on the tree. I am a total weirdo.

I said, "I knew you would help me. Thank you." I smiled.

"Welcome." He said, smirking. I really want to tell her that it was me but I can't. She trusts Kyle more than me.

"Let's go home." We started to walk. I descended the tree and followed them. They both walked their way to the apartment.

"Did you know you have your own apartment." He said as we walked through a building.

"No I didn't." We both stopped outside a door as he unlocked it. I picked it specially for you.

I entered the apartment it had a living room just at the entrance with a kitchen. A large window gave a spectacular view of the city and the sunlight flooded in illuminating the whole area. It also had two bedrooms. "This bedroom is yours." He opened the door to a bedroom which looked a little like my old bedroom.

"There's one question." I said.

"Yes." He said.

"When did I get an apartment and where is my father?" Heat started to generate inside of me. The anger growed minute by minute.

"You got your apartment when your father died." My jaw dropped. That wasn't part of the plan. "He died in a plane crash." He whispered.

"Oh," I said my anger decreased into happines as silence followed.

"Well you must be hungry. I can make something to eat while you get ready." He broke the silence and got out of the room. I laughed like an evil person the wicked laughter echoeing through the room.

Kyle gave a sigh and turned to look at me. "You did a great job." I patted his shoulder. "But the death wasn't the part of the plan."

"I know, but then she would ask about him." He explained.

"Okay, dude. See you soon. You are going to stay with her first. The whole of August." I said.

"Yeah. See you soon, man." He said as I exited the apartment with my heart beating fast.

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