Meeting (Val)

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Val's Pov: Today is the day that I will meet the woman who will be my wife.

She is expected to show up around lunch time.

I am really curious to see what she looks like and how she acts like and how she carries herself and how she treats people.

I am super nervous about meeting my future wife but I have to remember to be a perfect gentleman because as difficult as this is for me it is most likely a hell of a lot more difficult for her.

Mak's Pov: Val was acting like a really big ass yesterday when he first found out about his arranged marriage but now he just looks nervous.

In about 30 minutes the woman who will marry my little brother will walk through the front door.

I am a little nervous about meeting her but probably not as nervous as Val is.

Hopefully, Val will remember what we talked about last night and will be on his best behavior and will be a perfect gentleman.

Mama, Papa ,Val and I have all been waiting in the foyer for her to arrive but we didn't have to wait long because soon the car pulled up and the chauffeur opened the door to reveal a young woman holding a box.

She walked into the foyer and I got a better look at her as did Val. She looked young and she is not very tall but she is very beautiful.

Val's Pov: The moment of truth has arrived because the carrying my future wife pulled up in the driveway and the chauffeur opened the door to reveal a beautiful young woman holding a box in her arms. She set down the box next to three suit cases to introduce herself.

" Hi, Dear" My mother says to her walking over to my future wife giving her a hug

" Hello, Queen Larissa. It is a pleasure to finally meet you" The young woman tells my mother graciously

" Oh, Sweetie just call me whatever you feel comfortable with saying" My mom tells her giving her a smile that was returned

After my mother hugged her it was my father's turn.

" Hello, Darling " My father tells my future wife

" Hello" The beautiful young woman says to my father

" How was your trip?" My father asks the woman curiously

" It was cold and long but it was a very nice trip" The young woman assures my father

I cleared my throat getting fed up with not knowing anything about the woman who I am to marry.

" I'm Sorry Boys. Mak's, Val. I would like you to meet the second princess of Spain also the first female Olympic gold medalist , Lauren Hernandez. she is also going to be Val's wife." My father tells me

" Now lets get something to eat. You must be starving after traveling all this way , Lauren?" my dad asks Lauren

" Please. Call me Laurie and yes I could eat" Laurie answers

" Well , Today is Pizza day if that's okay with you and your training, Laurie?" My father questions Laurie

" Pizza for lunch is perfect and having a few treats here and there won't harm my training. Also, I live off the stuff when I am have a day off" Laurie also known as my fiancée reassures my dad

" I thought you should know that the gym where you will be training is completely set up " My dad tells my fiancée

" Thank you, Sasha" Laurie says smiling at my dad

" Tell us more about yourself, Sweetheart" My mother tells my fiancée

" What would you like to know?" Laurie asks curiously

" How long have you been training for your sport?" I ask my Fiancée inserting myself into the conversation

" I started training when I was 5 and after the 2016 Olympics I took a year off " She says looking me in my eyes

" How old were you when you competed in the 2016 Rio Olympic games and how many medals did end up taking home?" I ask my Fiancée

" I was 16 when I competed in the 2016 Rio Olympic games and earned 5 Olympic gold medals" She answers me

" You are training for the 2020 Tokyo Olympics. How long do you train in a week and how many days do you train a week?" I ask curiously

" I train about 10 hours a day 6 days a week " She tells me without blinking

" How old are you. If I may ask?" I ask her

" I am 19 years old" She tells me

" Do you want children and if you do how many?" I ask Laurie

" I do want children. I could do no more than 4 " She tells me

" Do you want to go to college ?" I ask

" I would love to go to college but I don't know what I would like to go to school for" She answers truthfully

" Would you like your engagement ring now or later?" I ask her smiling

" I would love to see my engagement ring but I won't be able to train with it on my hand" She tells me smiling

I got up and sat next to her and my father handed me the engagement rings that she had to choose from.

She chose the ring ( shown above ) and I slipped the ring onto her finger to find that it was a perfect fit.

" Kiss!!!Kiss!!!Kiss!!! " My family chants

I lean in and press my lips to hers and I feel fireworks going off at the connection of our lips as magic violins play Tchaikovsky in my head.

I don't know why I ever thought that this arranged marriage was horrible but I was wrong about this and my Fiancée that I am falling in love with.

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