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Val's Pov:

I woke up this morning under the covers, naked with Laurie beside me.

Remembering what happened between Laurie and I last night I smiled.

I got up and put on a pair of boxers and pajama pants and went to the kitchen and started making breakfast.

After a few minutes of making pancakes , bacon and coffee I felt a pair of arms wrapping around my waist and kisses being placed on my back.

After breakfast was made I turned and saw Laurie wearing only my shirt.

" Good morning my beautiful wife " I tell Laurie kissing her lips

" Good morning my handsome husband " Laurie tells me

" I made breakfast " I tell Laurie holding her in my arms

" I love you, Mr. Chmerkovskiy" Laurie tells me

" I love you too, Mrs. Chmerkovskiy" I tell Laurie

Laurie and I separate after a few minutes and eat breakfast.

After eating breakfast I go get dressed telling Laurie that I would be back to clean the kitchen but when I returned to the kitchen to clean up but I found Laurie doing the dishes.

I walked up behind Laurie quietly and grabbed her hips and pushed my body against hers.

" I told that I was going to do the dishes " I tell Laurie whispering In her ear

" I beat you to it " Laurie tells me

" You know you look really sexy in my shirt " I tell Laurie

" Val, I love you but I am sore from last night " Laurie tells me which makes me smirk

Laurie sees the smirk and smacks my arm lightly.

After we clean up the kitchen Laurie goes and changes.

After a few minutes Laurie walked out of our bedroom dressed in a pair of jeans and a warm sweater.

" You know babe, You look beautiful in everything you wear but you look really good wearing my shirt " I tell Laurie

" I love you Val" Laurie tells me kissing me

I kiss back and grab her butt and squeeze lightly.

After a few long seconds of deep passionate kissing there is a knock at our front door.

I answered the door and saw my older brother on my doorstep.

" Hey Mak's, What do you need?" I ask Mak's

" Hey Bro. Nice hickeys " Mak's tells me

" Damn it. Come on in, Mak's " I say stepping aside letting Mak's inside

After a few minutes of visiting with Mak's Laurie walked into the living room.

" Babe, I am being kidnapped by mom and Peta. They want to go get lunch and go shopping and they aren't taking my No as an answer " Laurie tells me kissing my lips

" Okay. I will see you when you get home. Be careful and I love you " I tell Laurie kissing her again

" Bye babe. Bye Mak's " Laurie tells us kissing my lips and hugging Mak's then leaves

As soon as Mak's is sure that Laurie is gone he begins questioning me.

" Judging by the hickeys on your neck I guess it's safe to say you and Laurie consummated your marriage last night. Am I right?" Mak's asks me

" Do you really want to know if it happened?" I ask my brother

" Yes. Actually" Mak's tells me

" Mak's, I love you but I am not going to discuss my sex-life with my wife with you " I tell Mak's

" I get it " Mak's tells me

Mak's and I talk for a few hours until Laurie gets home.

" Hey babe " Laurie tells me kissing my lips

Laurie started to pull back but I deepened the kiss and pulled Laurie onto the couch and flipped us over so that I was on top of her. I grabbed Laurie's waist until she was pressed against my body.

" Okay, I am going to go now. Have fun" Mak's says

Laurie heard that and pushed against my chest.

" Mak's, would you and Peta like to stay for dinner?" Laurie asks Mak's

" Sure " Mak's replies

" Okay. We are having spaghetti for dinner Now go get Peta and Val and I will start making dinner" Laurie tells Mak's

" Okay. Thank you Laurie " Mak's tells Laurie

" It's the least I can do after Val and I's little episode" Laurie tells Mak's

" Hey, We are married we are allowed to make out " I tell them

" Yes. We are married, But that doesn't mean that we can make our uncomfortable. So we are going to be making dinner and No funny business, Mister" Laurie tells me

Laurie and I made dinner and ate with Mak's and Peta and visited with them until the decided to go back to their place.

After they left I helped Laurie clean the kitchen.

After we were done cleaning the kitchen I sat Laurie on the marble island counter in the kitchen and kissed her passionately.

" Val, Not tonight. I am sore from last night " Laurie tells me placing her hands on my chest

" Fine. But, when you are no longer sore you won't be leaving the house for a month " I tell Laurie kissing her lips

" Deal " Laurie tells me hopping off the counter

We walk to our bedroom and get dressed in our pajamas and brush our teeth and go to bed.

I love Laurie and I can wait but the second she is no longer sore I will be inside her for a month making up for lost time.

I am loving life as a married man.

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