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Laurie's Pov:

It has been 4 months since Val and I got married and I am loving married life.

I woke up this morning feeling a little sick but thought nothing of it until I was running to the bathroom.

I threw up and after I was sure that it was over I got up and brushed my teeth and went back to bed to cuddle with my sleeping husband.

" Babe, Why are you awake? It's 6 AM." Val asks me

" I threw up. It's probably just a 24 stomach bug" I tell my worried husband

" If you don't feel better by tomorrow morning then we are going to the doctor " Val tells kissing my head

" I love you" I tell Val

" Not as much as I love you " Val tells me as I cuddle into his chest

Val and I fall asleep and later wake up at 8:30 AM.

Val got ready to go spend time with his dad and brother for their monthly guy time and left the house.

I started preparing some snacks for Peta, Larissa and I for our monthly girls day.

I finished putting the snacks in the living room when there was a knock at the front door.

I opened the door to reveal Peta and Larissa.

" Hey. How have you 2 been?" I ask them curiously

" I've been good." Larissa tells us

" What about you, Peta?" I ask my sister-in-law

" I'm doing good" Peta tells us

" What about you, Laurie? How have you been?" Larissa asks me

" I'm doing amazing " I tell them happily

" Okay. We are all married women but I have to know how is the sex?" Peta asks me

" PETA!!!" I say in shock while I blush

" I'm serious " Peta says

" So.... How is the sex?" Peta asks me

" It's amazing, But I'm slightly worried" I tell them

" Why? What's wrong?" Larissa asks me

" Val and I haven't been using any contraceptives and I threw up this morning" I tell them

" Do you think that you could be pregnant?" Peta asks me

" Maybe" I say with uncertainty

" Are you scared that you might be pregnant?" Larissa asks me

" Yes. I want to have kids but I'm a little nervous about how Val will react if I am pregnant" I say nervously

" Sweetheart, I guarantee you that Val wants to have kids especially with you " Larissa tells me

" Thanks " I tell Larissa

Larissa, Peta and I start to watch movies in the living room and a few hours later Val , Mak's and Sasha walk in.

I got up to the kitchen to get the guys something to drink when I felt a little lightheaded.

I started to lose my balance and as I fell I lost consciousness.

Val's Pov:

I walked into my parents house and to the kitchen to find my dad and brother eating.

" How is married life, Son?" My dad asks me

" Amazing " I say with a smile on my face

" How is the sex?" Mak's asks me while our dad just laughs

" Really, Mak's?" I ask Mak's

" Son, Just answer the question" My dad tells me

" Fine. The sex is amazing. Happy Now?" I ask Mak's

" Very " Mak's says grinning like an idiot

Mak's, Papa and I spend the rest of the day together playing pool and talking.

Soon we went to my house where the girls are having their girls day.

We walked through the door to find them watching movies.

We sat down next to our wives and talked for a few seconds until Laurie got up to get Papa and Mak's something to drink.

We talked for a few minutes when we heard a light thud come from the kitchen.

I ran into the kitchen with everyone behind me and I found Laurie unconscious on the floor.

" Papa, Call the doctor!!!" I tell Papa

A few short minutes later the doctor walked in and examined Laurie making sure that nothing was broken or fractured.

Once she was sure that Laurie didn't have anything broken she said that it would be okay to move her.

I picked Laurie up and carried her to the couch. I placed Laurie on the couch and kneeled down by her head.

" Prince Valentin, Would you happen to know if your wife is pregnant?" The doctor asks me

" I don't know if she is pregnant. She threw up this morning." I tell the doctor

" Is it okay with you if I do an ultrasound just to be sure?" The doctor asks me

" Do the ultrasound " I tell the doctor

" Can you lift Laurie's shirt over her stomach?" The doctor asks me

After I have lifted Laurie's shirt up the doctor places jelly on Laurie's stomach and starts doing the ultrasound.

We didn't have to wait very long until the doctor found something.

" Congratulations, It looks like she is 6 weeks pregnant " the doctor tells me

" Thank you" I tell the doctor

" My pleasure " the doctor tells me then leaves

" Well, We will be leaving now. Congratulations Son" My dad tells me and then he and my mother leave

" Peta and I better get going. Congratulations " Mak's tells me and then he and Peta leave

After a little while Laurie comes to.

" Where did everyone go?" Laurie asks me groggily

" They left to let us celebrate" I tell her

" What are we celebrating?" Laurie asks me

" We are celebrating finding out that you are pregnant with our baby" I tell her

" I'm pregnant " she says

" Yes" I tell Laurie kissing her lips lightly

" How far along did the doctor say I am?" Laurie asks me

" 6 weeks " I tell Laurie

" I'm so happy " Laurie tells me kissing me lightly

" I'm happy to " I tell Laurie

After a little while of kissing Laurie and I take it to our bedroom and after a while Laurie and I pull back and fall asleep in each other's arms.

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