Going Home

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Val's Pov:

Yesterday was a big day. My son was born.

It still hasn't fully sunk in that I am a father now but I am so unbelievably happy.

I am also happy because Laurie and Kai are being discharged from the hospital. Laurie and I will finally be able to spend quality time with our son.

I just finished signing the discharge papers for Laurie and Kai.

I walked back into Laurie's hospital room to find that she changed out of the hospital gown and into comfortable street clothes.

Laurie had packed up the diaper bag and put Kai in his carseat and strapped him in.

" Are you ready to go home?" I ask Laurie

" I am " Laurie tells me smiling

" Let's go home" I tell Laurie

A nurse walks into the room pushing a wheelchair for Laurie.

Laurie sits in the wheelchair and holds Kai's Blanket Covered carseat carrier in her lap and I carry the diaper bag.

We go outside to be met by a lot of paparazzi ,all of them wanting to get pictures of Kai. We were also met by our security who escorted us to the cars.

I opened the backseat and lifted Kai's carrier off of Laurie's lap and secured it. Then I helped Laurie out of the wheelchair and into the car.

Once Laurie is buckled I get In the car and start driving back home.

~ 30 minutes later ~

After 30 minutes of driving we make it back home.

I help Laurie out of the car and I grab Kai's carrier and three of us go inside.

After we are inside Laurie walks to the couch while carrying Kai's carrier.

I follow Laurie to the couch and sit down next to her.

I carefully take Kai out of his carseat carrier and lay him in Laurie's arms.

After a while of holding Kai Laurie places him in my waiting arms.

I look down at Kai to see he has his eyes open.

I move my finger to his hand I watch as his hand grips onto my finger.

" Hey, Little guy. I'm your daddy" I whisper softly to my son

After holding Kai for a few minutes I go upstairs and put Kai in his crib.

I walk downstairs and wrap my arms around Laurie.

After a few minutes of us talking and cuddling we hear a knock at the door.

I get up and answer the door to reveal my parents and Mak's and Peta.

" Come in" I tell them letting them in

Mama and Peta go sit with Laurie on the couch and I talk with Mak's and Papa in the kitchen.

" Good morning " I tell them smiling

" How was your first night with Kai?" Papa asks me

" Incredible" I tell him

" Speaking of my adorable nephew. Where is he?" Mak's asks me

" He is asleep in his crib" I inform Mak's

" Can we go see him?" Mak's asks me

" Sure." I tell them

" Let's go" Mak's says happily

We start towards the stairs when Laurie asks me where I am going.

" Babe, Where are you going?" Laurie asks me

" Papa and Mak's want to go see Kai " I tell her giving her a peck on the lips

" Can you bring him back downstairs with you? I need to feed him." Laurie asks me

" Sure. We will be right back" I tell her kissing her again

The three of us start up the stairs and walk to Kai's nursery.

I open the door to the nursery and we walk in.

I walk up to Kai's crib and Mak's and Papa follow.

They look in the crib to see my son peacefully sleeping.

After a few seconds of watching Kai sleep I remember that Laurie has to feed him so I bend over and carefully pick him up.

Apparently..... Me picking Kai up woke him up and he started to cry.

I start moving from side to side, rubbing his back.

Soon Kai calms down and I adjust him so I am cradling him in my arms.

I look up to see Papa and Mak's watching me with Kai.

" We should back downstairs. Laurie has to feed Kai" I tell them

" Yeah. Your right." Papa tells me

" Mak's, Can you grab a diaper and the diaper wipes?" I ask Mak's

" Sure" Mak's says grabbing a diaper and the wipes

Mak's and Papa walk downstairs and I follow carefully behind them with Kai in my arms.

I make it to the bottom of the stairs and I walk into the living room and over to where Laurie, Mama, and Peta sat.

I laid Kai in Laurie's arms and I sat down next to her and watched her breastfeed our son.

After a while Kai was finished eating and had been burped.

Kai started crying and everything Laurie did to get him to stop crying didn't work.

I checked Kai's diaper and saw that he had a dirty diaper.

" He has a dirty diaper" I tell Laurie

" I'm going to go change his diaper" Laurie tells me

" Let me change his diaper" I tell Laurie

" Val, I am fully capable of changing our son's dirty diaper" Laurie tells me

" Yes. You are, And I'm not questioning that, But you carried our son for 9 months and went through 6 hours of painful contractions before giving birth to our son yesterday" I explain to Laurie

" What are you trying to say, Val?" Laurie asks

" I want you to take it easy " I tell Laurie

" Val, I love that you care so much but I'm okay" Laurie tells me

" Can you take it easy for the day?" I ask Laurie

" Fine. Only because I am comfortable." Laurie tells me

I lean down and kiss Laurie's lips then I walk down the hallway to the guest bathroom and I change Kai's diaper.

After a few minutes a finish changing Kai's diaper and I carry him back into the living room.

We spend a few hours together until Mama and Papa and Mak's and Peta go home.

After a while of cuddling it was time to go to sleep.

Laurie and I put Kai in his crib and climbed into bed.

" Goodnight Beautiful" I tell Laurie kissing her goodnight

" Goodnight handsome" Laurie tells me giving me a kiss back

After a few minutes I hear Laurie's soft snores and I know that she is asleep.

I look up at the ceiling and think about my life and how it has charged.

I slowly closed my eyes and drifted into sleep with a smile on my face knowing that my wife is asleep next to me and our son is down the hall, Asleep in nursery.

Life is amazing.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2018 ⏰

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