Chapter One

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Otabek's P.O.V

So, today I'm starting Union High. We just moved here two weeks ago, we've already settled in and inrolled me and my little sister into school. I'm in 11th grade and my sister is in 6th grade.

I'm actually excited for once in my life I guess because I get a new start. Let's just say, not everyone exactly favored me at my last school. But, I don't care to much about that. I'm fine as a loner personally, because then I can actually focus on school instead of worrying about my social life or status.

Soon after I put on my outfit I choose last night (because I prepare for everything),which consists of a black hoodie, grey pants, black boots, and shades, I started to head to my motorbike. My sister was already dropped off at her school, she starts school earlier than me, because mom dropped her off then headed to work.

As I drove to school, I looked around the city. I like to admire the scenery a bit before I go to Hell (school).
When, I got to Union high, someone came up to me, and said, "Hi! I'm Victor Nikiforov you look new, and I'm the person that shows the new people around the school!"

He just continued to talk on and on about himself and all that good jazz,and I didn't really pay much attention to him. While he was doing this, I noticed someone starring at me the whole time. I poked victor's shoulder to get his attention, and asked, "Who is that over there?"

I pointed to them when the person who was looking at me back was turned. "Oh!!! That's Yuri Plisetsky He's a freshman and he doesn't socialize much." Victor said. Then he started to talk more about Yuri, and this time I was listening. He said he was also a guy, which was big news for me to hear since, he looks so much like a girl from where I can see.

Then, after awhile, he directed me inside to show me around. The bell rang already also so, everyone was walking in. One thing that I hate the most about all schools, is how hard it is to get inside with everyone practically shoving you in.

Finally, we got to the front desk and I got my schedule.




4TH: English




It's doable I guess. Then, they signed me in, and Victor showed me around with a quick tour. He also told me that in PE we would dress out normally to change into our PE outfits. I've done this before, and got used to it at my old school, but it's going to be even worse, because i don't know anyone, and it will be super awkward!

Soon, he says bye and walks off, which I am pretty thankful for. It's not that I don't think he's nice, it's just he was really annoying. My main goal here is to focus on my education, and not on trying to make friends. I don't really care about any of that stuff anyways. Well Otabek, it's time to officially start today by going to first period... My mind tells me. So I go into the direction Victor showed me, and in no time I arrived to my destination.

Word count~ 569 words

High School LoveLife (Otayuri) (Undergoing Editing)Where stories live. Discover now