Chapter Four

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When I got home, my sister was the first to greet me with a warm hug. Then, she looks up at me from her grip, and gives me a smile. I smile back. My sister is the only person I smile to. We are just very close. "How was school today, Otabek?" I can hear my mom ask from the kitchen. My sister releases me from the hug trap, so I can go and talk to our mom. "Well? What was your new school like?" She repeated her question. "It was okay, the classes seemed easy even though I didn't have any work to do, and the teachers seem likable enough." I reply. "Did you make any friends, I know it was the first day but, I just want to know. " she asks me. "Mom, I told you before I only care about education, I don't care about friends or anything. I'm the only hope for our family!" I say.
Then, my mother just looked at me for a moment and said, "you need to stop worrying about this family, we're still able to pay for your sister's medical things, we just have to work harder, that's all." She replied. "Mom, you have four jobs, ever since dad left, we have a harder time with bills and medication, don't you see that I'm doing this because I only care about us, and not some stupid friend or something!"she just gives me that same look like last time. "Mom, I'm gonna get my stuff ready for tomorrow, okay." I say calmer. She just turns around and nods. I walk to my room and shut the door locked. The only reason I said that, was so I could stop myself from arguing anymore. I hate myself when I get mad at my family.

After a few minutes of cooling off my anger, I begin to pick out my clothes for tomorrow. I choose a gray scarf, even though it's not going to be that cold outside tomorrow, gray pants, a black shirt, and the same shades with the same boots. Yeah, I know such a great fashion sense, right. Yuri's is way better than mine! Wait why am I thinking about Yuri for? I mean I guess his outfit was kind of cool, it consisted of a leopard printed thin jacket, jeans, and leopard shoes. But, he did wear his hood up also,which i guess is to make him look a bit intimating or something.

After a while I decide to go to sleep when it's 10:00 I could stay up later if I wanted to but, I didn't feel like it. My mom allows me to go to bed whenever I want to, but tonight I wanted to go to bed kind of earlyish I guess.
I couldn't fall asleep right away, though. I kept thinking about Yuri,
surprisingly! I dunno why, my brain just kept sending me images of him I guess or something....

When I woke up, it was about 6:00. I decided to get up and make myself some coffee. I did it quietly, so I wouldn't disturb my mom or sister while they still slept. Then, I decided to go on my phone and check Instagram. I haven't been posting lately, but I still like to check it every now and then.
I soon see a profile that has a familiar name on it. I tap on it to check it out. Yuri Plisetsky. I look through his pics just to see what he's all about on here. Dang! OK I'm not gonna lie, some of these are really good looking. What am I saying!
Ugh! I feel like a stalker or something! I quickly get off after that wake up call.

I decide to get ready for school instead.
When it was time for me to leave to school, I got on my motorbike and drove off. I kept thinking about Yuri's note yesterday.
When I got to school, Victor was standing there waiting for someone. When I parked my motorbike, he ran up to me and said, "Hey Otabek! I saw you sitting at Yuri's table yesterday, I just wanna let you know you can sit at our table if you'd like!"
I thanked him, but then declined his offer.

High School LoveLife (Otayuri) (Undergoing Editing)Where stories live. Discover now