Chapter Five

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Yuri's P.O.V

Soon, the bell rings and everyone is rushing inside. Im usually the last one in, because I wait so I won't get trampled.
I wonder if Otabek will sit at my table today.... I think to myself as I walk in, finally.

Soon, I'm at my first period class. I have Math first period, which is my worst subject. Let's just say, I don't have a very good grade in this class. One thing I hate the most about this class besides my grade in it, is the teacher himself. I can never even pronounce his name right either. "Okay class, today we will be doing more worksheets, since you guys don't know how to shut up!" He said. Ugh! Great. Just great. What a lovely start to my already horrible day! I hate everyone here! And what's worse is these stupid morons won't shut up! So know, I have a huge migraine thanks to them!

Finally! I'm done with first period. It was so horrible! Now, I have to go to Reading! Well, it's not as bad as math at least. While I'm on my way to Reading, I see Otabek. He waves at me. OK, I hope I'm not blushing right now! Ugh! I sound so pathetic! I can't believe I might have a crush on the new guy! I mean, I'm not gay, so why would I like him for?

OK, well the bell just rang for lunch. I've actually never been this excited for lunch in my whole life! I hope Otabek sits at my table today. I start to walk over to my usual table, and guess what? Otabek is siting there! I don't know why, but my body starts to relax a bit more. I plop my stuff down, next to him this time, and say, "hey." As casually as I can.
He looks up from his book he was reading, and says hey back. Soon, after awhile, we both get up to go get our food. When we get back to the table he says, "So Yuri, are we friends?" Oh crap!!! I hope I'm not blushing. I think to myself.
"S-Sure, If you wanna be." I say trying to sound as calm as I can. He just nods. Then, after that there was a long moment of awkward silence. Soon, Otabek broke the silence by saying, "I saw your instagram profile." I feel my face heat up, then I say, "Oh, really?"

High School LoveLife (Otayuri) (Undergoing Editing)Where stories live. Discover now