Chapter Three

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I look up at him with a surprised look, then realize he probably sits by himself.
"I didn't really know it was your table, I am new after all!" I say.
"Well, you should already have known I don't socialize very much, because everyone seems to love to talk about me, and guess that I probably sit alone!" He says back.
"Well, is it okay if I sit here for today at least?" I ask.
"I guess..." He says back to me.
Then, he sits right across from me and starts to eat.

After awhile of silence, I gather up the nerve to strike up a conversation.
"So, why we're you staring at me this morning for?" I ask him.
He looks up slowly, and blushes a bit, I swear he's blushing! "N-No reason, I just didn't recognize you, that's all!" He stutters. I just nod a bit then get back to eating the disgusting food, which I've barley have even touched. He looks up at me and says, "Yeah the food is quite disgusting here."
"Yeah, it's definitely...different." I reply. He chuckled a tiny bit, which is probably all I'm gonna get outta him to be truthful. I got up to go throw my food away, when all of a sudden, Yuri got up as well. "I'm gonna throw away my food as well..." He says.
When we both return back to the table, I start to tell him about mila, and how she constantly kept starring at me. "Yeah, Mila is so annoying she thinks she so great just because she's popular and all..." He started. "Another thing that's annoying about her is that she's dating this guy named JJ who is just the worst!"he said in an annoyed tone.

Soon after awhile, the bell rings for third period. We wave goodbye to each other and walk our separate ways. Why are you trying to make friends for, Otabek? You should know it will only get in the way of education.... My mind tells me.
What wrong with having one friend? Wait are we even friends? I reply back.

Soon, the day is over. It wasn't so bad. As I walk over to my motorbike, I notice a note taped on one of the handles.

Dear Otabek,

If you want to sit at my table again, you can.

Yuri Plisetsky

I don't know why but it made me smile a bit.

High School LoveLife (Otayuri) (Undergoing Editing)Where stories live. Discover now