The One Where Things Get Spicy

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"You're kidding, right?"

Sakura made exasperated sigh as a bell was held in front of her face.

"Yep. You don't get to go on your next ANBU mission until you get this bell from me." Yamato held a small bell in front of his face while Sakura groaned.

"Fine, but when I beat your ass, don't come crying to me for medical attention." Sakura teased Yamato as he shook his head.

"Whatever, Dessert Blossom." That was Sakura's ANBU name. It was given to her by Kankuro actually. It had been when they had a fling together. And calling her that always brought her back to greater memories...


"Sakura! Let's go eat at that one restaurant!" Kankuro and Sakura were in Konoha for the time being, they had escorted a group of Genin from Suna for the Chūnin exams.

See, Sakura had been in Suna for a long mission to find out what was wrong with ten patients in Suna's hospital. Gaara And Tsunade had worked out an agreement for Sakura to go on a three month long mission to cure the ten patients. But Sakura of course was missing home, and it didn't help that Kankuro, her body guard/ escort in Suna had left her for a week because of a stupid mission.

Kankuro had been her only company in Suna when she was working. He had made things fun for her. He protected her, even if she didn't need it. But instead, when he was gone to be an ambassador for Suna to fix some problems in a neighbouring village, Sakura had been left alone with a body guard named, Yorikuzu. He was the town scumbag.

It wasn't twice, but three times he tried to feel Sakura up. And it wasn't three times, but four that he had been put in the hospital she was running for breaking a little more than his ribs.

So when she had been reaching to the top shelf in her office for a pesky scroll, she had fell over and had been expecting to hit a hard ground, but instead she had landed in the arms of Kankuro. Sakura was more then ecstatic at his arrival back in Suna, she had glomped onto him like he was her lifeline.

So the two were having fun, that was until Kankuro got called to Gaara's office.

"Kankuro, I have another mission for you." Gaara stated plainly as he began to talk back to him, talking about how Sakura needed him for company.

"But what about Saku-" Kankuro was cut off by Gaara.

"Sakura will be going with you. It is a mission to escort three Genin to the land of Fire for the Chūnin exams." Kankuro's face lit up as his brother said this. He could tell that Sakura had been missing her home, her friends. She needed the time off her buisy schedule too. So when Kankuro told her, she was bouncing off the walls.

"Are you serious!! We're going to Konoha?!" Sakura was already packing a bag as Kankuro laughed.

"Yeah, so hurry. We are leaving in an hour." Kankuro chuckled at her behavior. So that was how they had ended up in the restaurant in Konoha that housed one of her former boyfriends. Well, ex now.

"Kankuro, play along." Sakura had kicked Kankuro under their booth table as he got up and scooted in next to her.

"Sakura, may I take your order?" Sakura mustered up a smile, almost wanting to punch the smile right off her ex's face, he hadn't even noticed Kankuro! Even with his hand around her waist.

"I think I can order for my little Dessert Blossom here." Sakura almost burst out laughing at the cheesy nickname Kankuro had given her, but she kept a composed face as Kankuro rubbed her side softly.

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