The One Where Sakura Starts a Fight

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"Kakashi-sensei!! Wake up!" The silver haired hokage bolted up as a yellow blur was now in his face. Kakashi rubbed his eyes until everything was in clear view.

"What is it now, Naruto." Kakashi said in a calm, and bored voice. Naruto had an expression of sadness written all over his face. This made Kakashi straighten up his back and get into a more serious attitude. There was spots of blood on Naruto, indicating he just got back from a mission.

"It's Sakura.." Kakashi got up from his seat and slammed his hands onto his desk, Naruto only looking at the floor with a sad look in his eyes.

"What happened Naruto." Kakashi had a stern voice. He couldn't believe that something could have happened to the girl with pink hair. She was strong.

"Tsunade and Shizune have been working since we got back from the ANBU mission.. I couldn't protect her, dammit!" Naruto's fists were balled tightly as his jaw clenched. He couldn't believe anything that was happening. And he blamed himself. "If I wouldn't have been in the way of her... None of this would of happened! It's all my fault!"

"What's all your fault, Naruto!" Kakashi was getting impatient. He needed to know what had happened to Sakura. It couldn't be that she was... No... He refused to believe that there was a possibility that Sakura could be dead. But as he looked up at Naruto, he already knew what had happened. Naruto was crying at this point, his fists balled tighter than before as a dark shadow covered his eyes. But Kakashi had to see for himself. He couldn't ever believe it. "No.. Naruto, please don't tell me that she's..." Kakashi shook his head. "Where are they!"

"You know where," Naruto said with a sniffle as Kakashi disappeared in a flash. Naruto was on the verge of letting the Kyuubi out, but tried to control himself while he punched a wall. "Dammit!"


Kakashi was now in the ER of the hospital. He hated hospitals so much, especially when he was in them for reasons like this.

"Sakura Haruno, where is she!" It wasn't every day that the hokage came to the hospital, especially to see a patient. In fact, he had never came ever since he became hokage. The receptionist whispered to the other lady with a semi sad face as she stood up from her chair.

"Right this way, hokage-sama..." The receptionist walked fast down a long corridor until they reached a door that said, "NO ENTRY."

"I cannot go any further than this... But Tsunade-hime and Shizune-san are in there with.. Sakura-hime..." The receptionist bowed and began to walk away from Kakashi. After she had been completely gone, Kakashi bolted into the room finding a very bloody Sakura as Tsunade yelled to Shizune to prepare things.

"Sakura!" Kakashi paled at the sight before him. Blood was caked into Sakura's Jounin uniform, a hole in her chest. His chest heaved as he paled at the sight in front of him.

"Kakashi... She's.." Tsunade looked away as Shizune was leaning over Sakura's body with dead eyes, Kakashi could see the tears on their faces.

"Sa...-kura.." Kakashi choked out.


Kakashi shot up from his bed, sweat covering his body in a thin layer while his breathing was ragged.

"Sakura... I need to go see her, now." Kakashi whispered to himself, hopping out of his bed and throwing on his old jounin outfit, except without the jounin vest. Kakashi then hopped out of his window and started running across the rooftops of the village, silently making his way through the quiet village in the midst of the night. He was absolutely worried to the bone about Sakura. He couldn't stop thinking about the dream he had of her.
Meanwhile, Sakura was having her own bad omens.

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