The One Where Sakura Finds Nanami

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Third Person POV ~

Leaves fell from the high branches of trees in a rhythm. Pink flashed through the green forestry.

"I've been traveling for days! You think I would have found something interesting by now." The pink haired Jonin pulled at her hair in boredom. She stopped on a branch high up in the trees and looked out at the setting sun. "If anything though, I'm definitely not going back to Konoha anytime soon. I need a break from... well, everything." She sighed to herself and let the breeze pull her pink locks of hair. Her heart thudded as she watched rain start to fall in the distance. Sakura loved the rain, but it didn't rain often anywhere near Konoha so she knew she had finally gotten somewhere that would be interesting. She smiled a little and started making her way through the lush green trees again. She noticed that there was a town where the rain was falling. Yet it was... Well, lively there. There were kids running about the streets, splashing through puddles while the shop keepers scolded them lightly and told them to stop knocking things over. A smile crept across the pinkettes face as she made her way into the village. 'Its so nice here', she thought to herself, wandering through the market, this little village reminded her of Konoha, and yet it was so far from her home town. That part however made her even more happy, this was a perfect little village to settle down in for her. Her heart raced as she though to herself, she was gonna find a nice place to stay for a while. She figured that a hostel would suit her purposes just fine, it meant that there would be new people to meet, plus a cheap stay.

  "Woah! Sorry-" The blossoms thoughts were interrupted as a tall silky black haired woman bumped into her. Sakura could smell the sake coming off the woman in wafts and it reminded her of her old master, Tsunade.

  "U-um... It's okay, I am just wandering around anyways." Sakura laughed lightly, looking up at the gorgeous woman before her. Sakura blushed lightly as she admired the features that the woman had. She was a little jealous of the assets she had on her chest.

  "You're not from around here, I bet you need a place to stay huh!" The tall woman wrapped her arm around Sakura's shoulders, the woman's hair tickling the bare skin across her back. "My name is Nanami, my home is on the outskirts of town, but it's a huge house and I never have any company, you seem like a nice girl anyways." Nanami smiled brightly at the pink haired girl. Little did Sakura know though is that Nanami had sensed Sakura the moment she had stepped into the village, she could feel the untapped potential sitting inside of the small blossom headed girl. The power sitting inside of her was unbelievable, and Nanami wanted to release that potential and train the beautiful blossom.

  "Wow.. Really? That's way too nice, I can just pay for a hostel, plus I just met you, how can I trust you?" Sakura looked up at Nanami, feeling suspicious of the long black haired woman, yet when she gazed into the blue of Nanami's eyes she couldn't help but feel trustful of this woman. She reminded her a lot of Tsunade, and Sakura could feel the warm spirit bubbling inside of Nanami. Shaking her head she laughed a little. "You know what, I think I can trust you, you seem like a good person. One thing I will say right now though is if you try anything fishy I, Sakura Haruno, will make you pay for it." Sakura glared up at Nanami, making the black haired woman chuckle a bit.

  "I promise you I'm not trying to kidnap you or anything kid, come on, I'll come show you my place and we can set you up." Nanami smiled at Sakura, the rain cascading over their shoulders and soaking them down to the bone. "Then we can maybe get a drink or some food, or we could spar." Nanami smirked down at the petite sized pinkette.

  "Spar? You couldn't beat me if you tried, old lady." Sakura bantered back at Nanami, feeling at home in the little village already.

  "OLD LADY!? I am only twenty two! Your only what, two or three years younger than me!" Nanami finally took her arm off of Sakura's shoulders to glare at her with the might of Madara Uchiha. Sakura shuddered a little. Although after a second her glare turned into a pout as she stared gloomily at the ground. "D-do I really look that old?" She looked at Sakura with little animated tears in her eyes, Sakura laughed.

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