The One Where Sakura Decides She is Done

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Third Person Point of View ~

Sakura and Kakashi locked eyes with heated intensity.

No, not that kind, you perves.

They held kunai knives, smirking, waiting for the other to make the first move. Kakashi stepped forward, Sakura launching herself at him, their kunais met with a loud 'clang!' The metal scraping against each other and creating sparks. They jumped back and both began to weave handsigns.

"Fireball jutsu!" Kakashi yelled, using his thumb to hold his ring and pink finger down, putting his other two fingers next to his mouth and breathing out his chakra, turning it into the sweltering fire that burned towards Sakura.

"Mud Shelter jutsu!" Sakura slammed her hands onto the ground, mud running up her arms and all around her, then expanding out into a huge ball around her. It got hot in the mud shell, but it wasn't anything she couldn't handle with ease.

Their jutsus dissipated and now they were locked up in a taijutsu battle, Kakashi's sharingan blazing as he kept up with Sakura's fierce taijutsu skills. She was absolutely incredible, flawless in her execution. He knew that if he was touched by one of those delicate, yet deadly fists, he would surely be done for. Sakura went for a hook kick with her right foot, but Kakashi had predicted it, somewhat knowing her fighting style, he jumped over her leg and used her surprise to flash behind her and kick her in the back of the head, sending her straight into a tree that just happened to be near the edges of the water. Her nose cracked against the tree, beginning to gush blood as she groaned, but Sakura knew damn well she couldn't just sit there, Kakashi would be on her any second. Sakura, being smart though, dived into the water, sinking deep into the waters of the great valley, she used the water to hide herself as she healed her nose quickly, then closing her eyes under the water. She needed to think about what to do. She needed to outsmart Kakashi, and she knew the perfect way.

"Sakura, come on, don't hide now." Sakura could hear Kakashi's taunt. Now, she decided was the perfect time to execute her plan. Sakura shot up out of the water, landing an uppercut on an unsuspecting Kakashi, he let out a grunt, a little trickle of blood from the side of his mouth from biting through his lip. Sakura smirked, engaging him in a genjutsu battle.

"Hehe..." Sakura giggled under her breath, weaving handsigns.

'Monkey, Bull, Tiger, Rat, Boar, Dog, Bear, Ram, Tiger, Dragon, Ram, Bull, Bear, Tiger, Serpheant!' Sakura thought to herself while doing the hand seals in less than 3 seconds.

"Reaper's Nightmare," Sakura whispered as everything around her went black, her eyes bleeding into a crimson color, glowing through the darkness. Sakura knew however, that her genjutsu would not work on Kakashi, she was trying to push him into putting her into a powerful sharingan induced genjutsu.

The genjutsu of her's showed some horrible things, but Kakashi broke out of it easily, Sakura however used that time to get close to Kakashi with a kunai, she went for a stab to his stomach, but he jumped back in time for her to only drive the blade deep into his leg, spilling the thick blood as he grunted and immediately did what his first instinct told him to do, and it was what Sakura was hoping for.

He put her under a genjutsu.

With his Mangeyko Sharingan.

Not even realizing what he had just done.

But what he didnt know was that what Kakashi thought was Sakura's worst fear wasn't even close, so she could bear the genjutsu easily, but he didn't need to know.

All around Sakura was dark, then she saw him. Sasuke Uchiha, walking towards her.

"Tch, useless." His chidori blazed, him piercing it through her heart, twisting and pulling, making the pain unimaginable. She screamed in agonizing pain as her body began to engulf in flames.

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