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february 14

"I HATE VALENTINES DAY." sean screams so loud that literally every person in the school's hallway glares at him.

"come on, it's not that bad, sean. besides, it's only one day out of the entire year. if it really bothers you that much, just get a girlfriend." julian laughs as the two walk to their lockers before volleyball practice starts.

"yeah, you say that as if it's easy," sean sighs. "i can't even get a text back."

sean has never had a girlfriend. despite the numerous times his best friend has tried to set him up with someone, it never works out. in fact, within the last three months, he's been curved by seven different girls.

the two make their way to the gym, passing by what sean feels like is every single couple at their high school. sean groans, shoving through a couple making out by the entrance of the boy's locker room. can't yall get a room? he thought. valentine's day to him was just another reminder of how single he actually was. have you ever even heard of a 17 year old junior who hasn't even held hands with a girl?

"why can't i be like you jules? you can get any girl you want, and to think of it, you actually have. i'm gonna grow old and become a 40 year old man with ten cats." sean says as he changes from his black tee to the volleyball uniform.

" i don't know what to tell you, man. i was just born this good-looking, i can't help it." julian winks.

"wow thanks bro, great advice. i'll be a ladies man in no time." sean rolls his eyes as they walk to the gym where the other team players are already practicing. there, they immediately meet up with josh.

sean begins to stretch just as a couple of students enter the gym to watch the team practice. he looks up to see vivian arman, the girl he's had a crush on since freshman year.

"look who's here guys," josh says. "sean's high school sweetheart!"

"yeah, that'd be true if she knew he existed." julian laughs as he serves the ball over to sean.

"you gotta shoot your shot, sean."

"i'll get curved for sure," sean hits the ball over the net. "i don't have chance with that girl."

sean heads to get water and plops himself on the bleachers across the room from where vivian is watching with her friends. god, she's so pretty when she laughs. he thinks to himself.

"captain of the cheer team. lives in the nicest part of our town. she's got a 4.5 gpa, i didn't even know that was possible! i'm pretty sure almost every guy at this damn school has a thing for her." sean sighs, still keeping his eyes locked on her. "meanwhile, i'm failing half my classes an-"

"i have an idea," julian interrupts sean, grabbing their josh by the wrists to the middle of gymnasium and away from sean.

"get sean to accidentally hit vivian in the head with the volleyball, then he'll have to talk to her! if anything, she'll at least know he exists." julian explains to josh as if it's the best idea on the planet.

"uh...dude, i don't know. seems dangerous..." josh's voice fades to the sound of julian calling over sean.

"you're going to literally shoot your shot right now, lew." julian smiles and takes a few steps backwards, using his hands to signal sean to serve him the ball.

"what? what are you talking about julian?"

"just serve the ball man!" julian yells, with a slight smirk on his face.

sean bends his knees and serves the ball, but just as that happens, julian ducks with the ball heading straight for vivian arman's beautiful face.

"oh god."

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