chapter twenty-four

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march twenty

sean shows up to school that morning with a permanent smile plastered onto his face.

everything worked out in his favor for once. the literal girl of his dreams liked him - scratch that, is in love with him, and his grades improved to what seemed like an impossible level.

"you seem pretty happy," julian leans against sean's locker.

"what can i say? i'm a pretty happy dude," sean whistles as they pass through the hallways scattered with prom posters.

"does she have something to do with it?" julian points to one of the posters that has sean and vivian's face on it.

"maybe," he grins.

"what happened?" julian nudges sean. "i'm your best friend, you can't keep it a secret from me!"

"when have i ever kept a secret from you?" sean replies.

julian's face pales at the response but shakes it away immediately, "so, why are you so happy?"

"i told her i loved her," sean's face lights ups.

"really?" julian says with an unreadable expression on his face.

"and guess what?" he beams. "she said it back!"

"really?" julian repeats absentmindedly. "you know what? i totally forgot i have somewhere to be. sorry, i'll see you at practice, yeah?"

julian waves goodbye as he rushes away to the opposite direction.

"uh, yeah, i'll see you..?" sean mumbles confusedly even though julian was too far to hear him.

he doesn't think much of his best friend's odd behavior and meets vivian at her locker.

"hey viv," he smiles as soon as he reaches her. in her hands are piles of more posters to hang up and pass around to people which he had agreed to help her out with before school started. "you ready?"

she nods, slamming her locker shut and joining the boy. she hands him half of the pile and they walk around taping it around random walls of the school.

"hey, did you ever talk to sam about her running with james?" sean asks as he sees a poster of the two on one of the walls.

"yeah i did, but she went off on me saying that just because i dated james doesn't mean she can't run for prom with him," she sighs. "i mean...i guess she's right and it's not like they're dating anyways."

"that sounds kinda off, "maybe i'll ask james about it..." his voice drifts off, realizing he didn't want to even think about speaking to james anytime soon.

"yeah...i just think it's messed up that she couldn't even tell me about it and that i had to find out on the freaking school website of all places," she says as she tapes another poster to the wall. "i've been distancing myself from her anyways. now that i think of it, she's always been sort of tense whenever i mentioned james."

sean's face pales, knowing exactly why sam would act that way.

"maybe she's not who you thought she was.." he mumbles quietly to himself.

"did you say something?" she turns to face him.

"uh, nothing, just talking to myself," he covers.

"oh, alright," she shrugs and continues to tape the posters.

they walk over to the lunch area to meet nat and kenneth to talk about more prom campaigning before school starts.

"goooood morning to my favorite people!" sean yells from afar to his friends.

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