chapter fifteen

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february twenty-six ; day twelve

"james? what are you doing here?" sean balls up his fists.

"that's not really the way you should greet a guest, lew," he smirks. "besides, you're going to want to hear what i have to say."

james goes to sit by sean's desk while sean remains standing by the door.

"i can pull some strings and get your expulsion reduced to a suspension," james looks up.

"aren't you the one who got me expelled in the first place?" sean glares, locking the door behind him.

"now," james starts. "why would i do that?"

sean sighs, knowing james was his only chance at being readmitted into school. it was either that or he'd have to transfer to another school nearly an hour away.

"what do you want then?" sean questions warily, fearing whatever response he may receive.

"i need to have some sort of leverage to make sure you're going through with the plan," james says as he examines random knickknacks from the desk. "you have been going through with it, haven't you?"

"yeah," sean lies, avoiding james' gaze.

"so...use this," james hands a device the size of an earring into sean's palms. "it's a recording device."

"what am i gonna do with his?" sean asks while examining the gadget.

"i need proof," james replies. "record whatever 'valuable' moments you have with viv."

"isn't this is going too far.." sean's voice drifts off.

"i can do so much more than expel you, lew," he threatens. "you have eighteen days left."

just as james leaves he looks back to sean to say, "you start school again in a week, don't be late."

sean stares at the piece of metal in his hands, wondering what the hell he got himself into.

february twenty-seven ; day thirteen

the alarm clock rings, and it's the first time sean has heard it since he was expelled. he's decided that while he wasn't in school yet, he might as well use his spare time to study for midterms.

he struggles to get out of bed and trudges towards the bathroom, passing by his parent's room, vividly remembering the look on his mother's face when she heard he was expelled.

never had he seen her so disappointed in his entire seventeen years of life, and he never wanted to see her that way again.

after changing into the outfit he's been sporting for the past few days of his suspension, grey sweatpants and a random hoodie, he goes to his table to pick up the tiny recording device.

he sighs, knowing it was a bad idea but also aware that it was his only choice. he stuffs it inside his pocket and heads to the library.

he drives past school and sighs. it's true that he hated going to school with a passion but at the same tome he would rather be there learning things he would never need in life than worrying about james ruining his life.

he enters the library and is greeted by the cold air blasting from the air conditioner. the entire building is nearly empty, with only a couple of the staff and about a handful of adults.

he spends the next four hours buried into his history textbook then later his calculus packet.

just as he is about the fall asleep from all that reading, his phone buzzes. he glances over to see an email notification that new grades were put up online. he frantically types the website on his computer and scrolls to his history class.

"oh my god," he whispers to himself. "i got a B on the test...that means...i have a C in history now."

his face lights up realizing he was no longer failing the class and only had to worry about calculus. he then proceeds to calculate what grade he would need on his midterm to boost it up.

"a 92 percent?" he sighs, believing it was impossible.

he rubs his eyes and yawns, realizing he's been at the library for seven hours.

"sean?" a voice from behind calls, startling the boy. he shoots up from his position and turns to find vivian.

"viv? it's only 1:30, don't you have class still?" sean says as he grabs a seat for her.

"i only have physiology class left and i have like a 102 percent in that class," she shrugs. "i don't think they'll miss me all that much."

"how did you know i would be here?" he questions, though is not against the idea of it at all.

her eyes widen, realizing she doesn't have a response for him. in actuality she had visited his house only to find out by serris that he was here.

"so..." she awkwardly laughs. "your sister told me that your expulsion was reduced to a suspension?"

"uh, yeah," he replies. "somebody pulled some strings for me."

she nods and starts placing her textbooks on the table.

"what did you get on the history test? he just put up the grades for my class," she says as she types something on her laptop.

"i got a B!" he says happily, showing her the score on his screen. "i'm not failing anymore..thanks to you."

"sean! i'm so proud of you," she grabs his arm and smiles.

"all i have to worry about now is calculus," he sighs. "i need a 92 on the midterm to bring it up."

"then what are we waiting for? let's start studying!" she exclaims and grabs the textbook.

the two spend the next hour preparing for their midterms. afterwards, they go to the mall to start their shift at the pretzel shop.

"you know," viv says as she rolls the dough on the counter. "school has been a real drag without you."

"really?" sean arches an eyebrow.

"yep, i don't have anyone to annoy or ask me silly questions anymore," she laughs. "and it's been really quiet whenever i hang out with the guys."

"what do you mean?"

"julian and josh," she says, assuming sean knew what she was referring to.

"what about them?"

"they haven't been speaking to each other since you got expelled," vivian explains. "i thought you would tell me why."

"that's weird.. i don't know why they would be like that," he furrows his eyebrows.

"i mean maybe i'm just overanalyzing everything, nobody else really noticed besides me anyways," she shrugs.

"maybe.." he brushes the uneasiness away, thinking it was probably nothing.

it's eight at night when their shift ends, and sean drives vivian home.

as she's about to enter her house, he stops her, then stuffs his hands into his pockets.

"are you free wednesday night?" he blurts out.

her face lights up and she nods, "yeah, why what's happening wednesday night?"

"our second date," he grins.

"i'll pick you up at seven," he says as he walks back to his car. she watches him drive off and smiles to herself.

as sean nears his house, he parks and stares at his steering wheel.

he takes the tiny recording device out of his pocket and presses the stop button.

THANK YOU FOR 1000 READS OMG i only first published this around two weeks ago i cant believe people actually read my stuff lol tysm :')

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