I don't talk to freaks

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-Gwen POV-

"What?" Ej says.

"I.just.met.our.father. Is that more clear for you Ej?"

"Just tell us what happened from the begging"

Half an hour ago

I was just dancing to Dj Turn it Up then I see a man at the door.

"Sorry, have you booked this room? I can leave." I say.

"No its okay I was just wondering what song you danced to at the ballet concert in Los Angels"

"Oh that wasn't me, that was my sister Ness. Why is that?"

"My name is Edward Cullen, I wrote that piece"

Oh shit. This is not happening! What is he doing here? Are the other Cullens here?

"Cullen huh?"

He gives me a nod.

"Heard you guys are freaks, I don't talk to freaks"

I then start my motorbike and leave.

"Shit, what now?" Ness replies.


-Edward POV-

I run back home to tell my family about what happened. God I wish Bella was part of our family after I left her I was really sad. When Jennifer turned into a vampire by Carlisle when she was dying from cancer everyone hoped that we would fall madly in love. We don't think of each other like that, we love each other like brother and sister.

"Edward, your back. How did it go?" asked Jennifer.

"It went okay. Though that was actually the sister of Ness. Although it was strange because I told her my name and she's like 'Cullen huh? Heard you guys are freaks, I don't talk to freaks'. But we haven't been here for almost 100 years and she's like what 17?"

"That is a bit strange, although her last name is Swan so maybe she is a descendant of Bella?" Carlisle says.

I just shrug and go to my room and read a book.


-Ej POV-

Today was the second day of school and Gwen didn't go just in case the Cullens were there. Renesmee and I got out of the car and headed to our lockers to get ready for school.


Ness and I sat with our new friend today, Noah Rinaldi.

"So where were are you guys from?" Noah asks.

"Well we were born down at La Push but moved to Los Angeles." Nessie replied.

I then caught a huge sniff of six vampires walk in, I look around to see it was the Cullens. Well the devil Gwen was right.

"Oh yeah, they're new. There-" Noah was interrupted by Ness.

"Yeah we know who they are"

Noah is then silent which I think he got an idea that we weren't on good terms with them.

"So, will Gwen be here tomorrow? Because I was alone in Biology today"

I shrug, she probably wont any way since the Cullens are here.

The bell rings and everyone gets up to go to class.


-Alice POV-

The bell rings and I quickly get up to catch up with that Renesmee chick.

"Hey Ness! Wait up!" I say.

She keeps walking so I grab her arm and all of a sudden I get a quick flash of something.....I think a memory.

Well these chapter came sooner then I expected, it's your lucky day Twilight fans! Anyway please vote, share these story and follow me for future stories! If you would like to see what I will be writing, go to my account and look at my description :)

Have a lovely day or night


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