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-Rosalie POV-

These kids are starting to get on my nerve! We are just asking a simple question and they refuse to tell us!

"Tell us who you are" I say.

"Okay, I'm Nessie Swan, this is Ej Swan and that is Gwen Swan. That is who we are."

"No your name-" I was cut off by Alice.

All of those Swan brat kids gave me a suspicious look.

"Excuse me, I need to go to the bathroom where is it?" Gwen asks.

"Up the stairs, down the hallway then turn to your left" Edward replied.

Gwen smiled and headed up the stairs.


-Gwen POV-

I walked up the stairs and walk pass an office, wait they were acting a bit suspicious down stairs. I think there doing some research or something. I backed up a bit and peeked into the office, it must be Carlisle's. I walk in and start looking at the papers on his desk, just doctor stuff. I walk over to the book shelf and look at the books. Bones, muscles...oh look! A folder, I grab the folder and open it up. Holy shit. It's about Ej, Renesmee and I. Our full names, born down at La Push and how do they know Jacob's imprint is Nessie? Stalkers. I hear foot steps heading up the stairs and walking towards the office. I quickly turn invisible along with the folder and tip to out, Alice and Jasper walk in and look around the office. They know somethings up, Jasper  uses his vampire speed heads towards me pushing me over. I loose concentration and become visible again. 

"How?" Alice asks.

I use my vampire speed to get down stairs, I grab Ej and Ness and put them in the car.

"What are you doing?" Ej yells.

"There on to us! We need to get back home NOW!"

I run to my motorbike, start the engine and go home.

Hey guys. I know this is a short chapter but I'm a bit busy today. I hope you enjoyed! I wonder whats going to happen next? Please vote and comment and share this story to Twilight fans :)


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