Call me

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-Renesmee POV-

I feel Alice quickly grab my arm and then I show her some memories by accident. It was Ej, Gwen and I after the ballet concert arguing about the Cullens and if we should tell mum or not. I pull away my arm and run to Ej and Gwen.

What did you show her? Ej thought to me

I grab both of their arms and show them the memory.

"Why were you thinking that at the time?! Now they will be getting onto us Ness oh my god!" Gwen says.

"Well I'm sorry but I still can't control my memories gift yet!" I reply.

"They'll now that we aren't normal now so we gotta stay low and I think we should tell mum" Ej mentions.

I nod and Gwen rolls her eyes and walks away.


-Jennifer POV-

That guy Ej is kinda cute but Edward told me what happened with his mate and I don't want that to happen to him. I then see Edward walking towards me.

"Hey" he says


"So, you like that guy Ej huh?"

"Can you like stop reading my mind?"

"Your thoughts are quite loud Jenny. Anyway you should talk to him just because my relationship was bad doesn't mean your's will be too"

I just look at the ground and give him a nod.

"You will not believe what just happened!" Alice says running towards us.

Edward and I turn around. Alice explains to us how she grabbed Renesmee's arm and got flashes of a memory. The Swan triplets arguing about seeing us and debating to tell their mother or not.

"It's strange though because I can't read any of their minds" Edward tells us.

The bell rings and we all go to class.


-Ej POV-

I walk into math class late.

"You should be getting detention Mr Swan but since your new I'll let this pass. Please take a seat next to Ms Cullen."Ordered the math teacher.

I walk and sit next to what I think her name is Jennifer, pretty. Wait no don't think that.

"Um, Hi" She stutters.

"Hi" I reply.

"So you from around here?" She asks.

"I was born down at La Push but then moved to Los Angels. Where are you from?"

"I was born in Utah but um, I was a foster kid and the Cullens raised me"


"Uh, would you like to go out some time? Maybe this weekend?"

"Yeah why not" I say while writing down my number "call me when you are free"


-Bella POV-

I was sitting down on the couch at home waiting for my kids. I came home early and decided to suprise them. It was now 3:15, they should be home soon. Suddenly, the phone rings.

"Hello Bella Swan speaking"

"Bella?" I hear, it sounds like Rosalie.

"Who is this?"

"Sorry about her, I'm Jennifer Cullen is Ej home?"

"Cullen? I don't want you near Ej, never talk to him again!" O hung up the phone.

My kids have A LOT of explaining to do when they get home. 

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