Welcome to Forks

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-Gwen POV-

We're moving to Forks! Finally. I've always wanted to live  there and I am sooooo pumped to start school! We are also moving into mum's old house which is pretty cool.

The drive was a few hours but we final arrived and unpacked. After this we get to go and see Jacob, we are like brothers so I am excited to see him. We haven't seen each other in about 49 years which sucks.

"Hey Jacob" I say while giving him a hug.

"Hey Gwen, how's dancing?"

"It's going well" I smile.

"Hey I missed you" Nessie says and starts putting her tongue down his throat.

"Ew, get a room" Ej says.

We all laugh.

"Where is your mother?" He asks.

"Just buying some food for us" Ness says.

"Well I hope you have fun at school tomorrow" Jacob teases.

"You want fun?" I ask and turn invisible.

They all laugh and prepare for me to pounce.


The next day.

-Renesmee POV-

Today was the first day of school, yay! We were all kinda excited however our mum isn't with us today, she still has a few errands to run. We hop out of Ej's car and everyone looks at us, we all walk up to the office to get our schedual.

"Hi, how can I help you?" The lady asks.

"Hello, I'm Ej Swan and these are my sisters Gwen and Renesmee. We're here for our schedules."

"Oh yes, just a minute"

After a few minutes we get them.

1st period- English

2nd- Math


3rd- HPE

4th- Spanish


5th- Drama

6th- Science

I had English and Drama with Gwen and Spanish with Ej. Damn it, I wish we were in classes all together. We walk out and everyone starts staring at us again, so what we're new whats the big deal? Ej and Gwen start to walk a bit faster and i quickly grab Ej's arm so they could slow down. I am still training to get my memories in control because sometimes when i touch someone I accidentally show them a memory. And that's exactly what i did to Ej, showing him a disturbing moment (to him) of me and Jacob.

"Ew, that's disgusting you are going to have to get that under control Ness"

"Whatever you just accidentally showed him, I don't wanna know" Gwen says.

"Sorry Ej" I say.

The bell rings and we all head to class.


A few hours later

-Ej POV-

Gwen was at the dance studio practicing her chirography for her dance to Dj turn it up by YellowClaw. Ness is the dancing type but only to ballet while Gwen likes dancing to pop music.

All of a sudden we hear Gwen's motorbike arrive back home....early. She uses her vampire speed to run inside.

"Gwen! What the hell you cant use your vampire speed in public" Renesmee yells.

"I know I know but it's urgent."

Ness and I stare at her and wait for her to tell us the news.

"The Cullens are back in town"

Cliffhangerrrrrrrr! Sorry but I just had too, I love a good cliff hanger! Anyway there wont be a chapter next week because I am on school camp so you're just gonna have to wait a while to see what happens next! Sorry....


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