10 - Freedom (Part I)

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  Soldier waves consisting of twenty guards each approaches the ground floor one by one. When a wave touches the ground floor, the 700 troops bang and paralyse them. It is followed by another wave, which they knocked out all in a flash too.
Slow but sure, they are finishing the miserable guards and knights in the palace.

During nightfall, they had finished beating the guards that they bet there will only be a couple of countable remaining knights. So, they decided to go out first, split ways based on the picked groups to find a hiding place. But they won't hide too long; that's part of the plan.
Aarav, Advika, and Maanika lead the way, leading every group to each of their basecamp.

- - -

"Prince Faarooq; Your Majesty, due to the sudden array of tragedies, we need to arrange your coronation as soon as possible." One of the servant reports.
"No." The prince answers.
"There's this chaos at the ground floor that took the lifes of almost all our mighty knights, isn't there?" He asks to the forensic that came to report to him.
"Indeed, Your Majesty. But what is the connection of this chaos with-"
"Did you know who causes the chaos?!" He rose in anger suddenly.
"Y-y-yes... Your Majesty..." The forensic stammers.

"Then I suppose you know that this is lawfully their kingdom, smart guy." The prince's thunder fierce voice stuns the reporting forensic.
"Here," He says, handing over an official letter. It states that the prince, the heir of Jaafar agrees to hand the whole kingdom to the remaining Indians, ruled by the rightful queen Advika Indira Devi. It has the official kingdom stamp and his sign.
"No!" The forensic barks as his master packs and is about to leave the castle.
"Do as you like, but I should warn you that what ever you do, alas, the kingdom's just going to be owned by its rightful one."

And with that line, the prince goes off.
"Alright, then. I suppose our prime minister can take a hand of ruling the kingdom!" The forensic shouts as loud as he can, trying to capture the attention of the prince, but all he's got later then is a deaf ear.

- - -

"Prince Faarooq Agarwal's leaving?"
"Yes, with a note that this kingdom is to be passed to Advika, the lost princess that has returned."
"Then go and give it to her."
"What?! But... my lord, you're the prime minister; the most powerful people in the kingdom hierarchy after the king and prince! You could've ruled the kingdom, since our second successor escaped. Automatically, the throne and the royal crown goes to the third successor, you." The forensic tries to make the prime minister pliant.

However, the thin deceased king chose a wrong people to hold the prime minister's position. The now prime minister isn't keen at all; he's passive, but no one had ever got any chance to replace him, for the king trusted him with everything he has. Actually, it's because the king doesn't want to be critiqued and he doesn't like being corrected, so he chose a people that's always by his side and always agree with anything thwt he said; which led him to the unkeen man.
Of course, the prime minister is so passive that he just say 'yes' to all the king's words.

"You want me to rule the kingdom?" The prime minister asks him as he concernedly looks outside the big window of his office.
"Yes, my lord." The forensic simply replies.
"Well, I don't want to be fakingly humble but... I'm sure that no one can ever lead the kingdom so orderly just like His Departed Majesty. The kingdom can sharply drop in three first days of my government." The prime minister answers. Of course, he isn't truly being modest, but he just doesn't want to be blamed if he makes any mistake in later ruling life as king.

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