9 - King's Goblet

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  "Alright. I need to do a final checking and convincing you all about our optimist plan. So, first of all..." Aarav begins.
"Aarav," Advika calls him from his side.
"Yes?" He asks, questioning her interruption in a disturbed expression.
"You... you had repeated it for five times already. I think they had memorized all parts of the plan." She says.
"Ooh, have I?" He folds his forehead skin to the idea that he had repeated the scenario of the plan over and over. Advika nods to his reply, and suggests that they should really start now.

Aarav agrees, so now take a quick look; seven hundred long lost subjects march into the kingdom, caring not about obstacles or scream from the kingdom peoples.
They march to the kingdom royal home, barging in carelessly, ignoring the big gate. They push the unlocked gate and make a mess. The three sneak into the palace, and they paralyse one of the servant that's carrying a tray full of plates and glasses.
Aarav takes the tray and goes hidden with Maanika, staying in the corridor.

While Advika is rushing up to her betrothed man's chamber and find him at the rendezvous point.
"Faarooq..." She says with a small voice.
"What?" He asks her.
"You remember the plan, don't you?" She asks him back.
"Well, sure I did. Why?" He questions.
"We... are in the very last step. And I must make sure that you are agree, since... you really have to sacrifice a lot, something that's really... impacting for you."
"It's okay. I never want to be living under the control of someone like him."

"So... you agree?" She asks for the last time. He nods. She smiles.
"Thank you for everything," She says, quickly rushing back downstairs.

- - -

"How many?" Aarav asks in a whispering voice. They are hiding behind a thick wall.
"As I read it in cicuta maculata recipe... five spoonful." Maanika answers. Aarav nods and puts in six spoonful.
"Hey. I told you five. Five, I said." She says to his ears loudly.
"I know. Just in case five didn't kick him down," He explains.
"Alright, then." She answers calmly, then smiles. They both are just waiting to meet someone that holds the main role in this.
"You've changed a lot, didn't you?" Aarav suddenly says to her, breaking silence.

Well, to be honest, Maanika changes her appearance to prevent from being revealed as an Indian in her later role.
She put on layers of thick powder, shorten her eyelashes, put on traditional lenses, put on a blonde straight-haired wig and do much more things to perfect her disguise. She planned to detach all the undercover accessories once she succeed her objectives and put on fake long eyelashes, making her look like a natural Indian and that no one's to discover the real murderer of the king.

Now, it makes her look pretty much so similar and almost just the exact same with the common palace peoples, which are mostly white, with thin eyelashes and blue eye iris.
But not with the royal son Faarooq Agarwal; his mother is a forced bride from India of his father, so he inherits his father's appearance and his mother's name. But Maanika's sure that the 'change' context here Aarav had been asking to her about isn't about her changing appearance.

She looks down, staring at the tip of her boots shoes.
"Well, maybe... kinda." She answers shyly.
"She is changing, to be sure." They both get surprised and spontantly turn their gaze into the person.
Very good for them, that the people that's coming is the one they had been waiting for behind the wall.
"So, what's his respond?" Aarav asks, right after they immediately pulled her to join them in their hiding spot.
"He's agree. Pretty much so." Advika answers, wiping the sweat in her face.

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