Epilog - Five Years Passes

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5 years later...

"And the new young queen live happily ever after with her brave beloved new king, and so does the whole thriving kingdom 'til the end of their legacy and reign. Good night, sweetheart." The mother leaves the 5-year-old Pranay in his medium-sized blue-painted bedroom, on the tall bed. She stands up, and was about to walk out from the door.

"Wait, mommy." Pranay holds his Mom's hand that she turns back to him and squats again, to match the height of her and her dearest one and only son.
"Is that legend a real story?" He asks in sleepy eyes, followed with a yawn.
"What do you think?" She hides the answer and let him guess before she explains. He thinks for a little moment.
"Well, I hope it is. It's a really brave, daring, romantic, and good story, mummy."

He's about to close his eyes and go to his dream realm.
"Well, then sweetheart. You're right." Pranay opens his eyes once he hears that the beautiful tale his mother told him just now is a true story, happening in the real life.
"Want to know what? You remember the lady I told you at the very beginning of the story?" She asks him. He nods enthusiastically.
"Of course! The one that at last becomes the queen, right?" He asks back as he answers. His mother nods slowly.

"And did you know that the queen had a son after that?" His mother asks him again. Pranay shakes his head.
"You haven't told me that part before," He says as he frowns. But then, his mother ruffles his hair and kisses his forehead.
"Well then, the only thing that you need to know is that you are that son of the queen." She leaves the room, leaving Pranay full of surprised feelings and confusions.

- - -

"Good morning, Mum and Dad!" Pranay runs down the stair and finds his father and mother preparing breakfast.
"Morning, honey!"
"Morning, my boy!"
"Umm... may I ask something?" He asks to his mother as he's suffocating as his father embraces him tight and lift him off the floor.

"Hmm?" His mother allows him with that sound, stopping her words to let him ask the question he wants to know the answer about.
"Are you still confused of the tale about the lost princess I told you for bedtime story?" His mother knows just the thing. He nods.
"Alright, I'll tell you the whole story." Advika stops washing the dish and sits beside Pranay and her husband. Aarav chuckles.

"You told him that story when he's about to sleep?" He asks casually. Advika giggles and nods.
"Why, yes. That's an amazing story, son." He teases his wife, that's now staring at her son.
"So it all begins with the reign of queen Admirah Indira Devi..."

* * *

Wohoo! It's really done now guys ^^ and yes, Pranay is Advika and Aarav's five-year-old son. His name 'Pranay' means romance aw ^.^

Anyway, I've just ran to another idea for the next story of mine! Yay :D Unlike this narrative story, I'm gonna make it diary-formed story! XD So yeah, it's gonna tell a story about a girl with some mental illness, telling you her 14 days that changes her life.

It's gonna be titled... *drum roll* THE BIPOLAR'S DIARY! Woohooooo I can't wait XP XP XP XP :D :D :D Stay tuned for the story, guys!

So I hereby ending the story with this quote I took and make as the main quote of India's Royal:

"Guards and emperors may leave you, but after all, the true power is the one that lies beneath you."

Until Next Time,

Ann Toussant.

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