Chapter 5

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"See...?" Violet, Harper, and scarlet both sat with nirvana and she was explaining what has been going on with Carter and her. They all stared at her and had nothing to say. 

"What, what are you gonna do when Carter finds out?"
"I mean they're the same person...right?"
"Okay. Listen. Carter is a very explosive person. Yes, he barely speaks but holy shit when he gets angry he tears the head off. Who knows what he's gonna do to himself. And what do you and Drax do anyways? Depending on what he does may range in the fury of the alpha"

"Well...I mean...the the first time...I just..I mean he brought it on but..."
"Did you have sex with him!?" Violet yelled out and slammed her hand onto the table, the pregnant woman grunted after and laid back down.

"No no no and no. And it's not my fault. It's all his fault."
"Mhm sure. Does this happen to be because of the fights? We all can hear your fights and out of all the years of Luna and alphas, you both are the most that fight. And you fight like savages"

"That's not...ugh. I have to go, I'm supposed to be getting some outfit or something."
"That's today? Damn." Violet leaned back in her chair and rubbed her hands over her pregnant tummy.

"What do you mean?"
"Well, I'm not supposed to tell you but once the Luna gets their outfit it's the same day as their first kill. Don't tell the alpha I said this though, don't want to stir up any more drama" she clenched her jaw and began to walk off towards an empty part of the pack land, she saw a tomb and she twisted her mouth.

Going toward it she knocked but it came open and walked in. She saw what looked like stone coffins and they went back, a long way back. She walked till she had seen Carter, he was a coffin and had his hand placed on it.

She didn't want to interrupt but he had caught her and beckoned her over.
"This is my mother..." not knowing how to respond she did a soft nod and glanced down to it.

"If you're wondering. She was murdered by a man that escaped the day I met you. I plan to kill him, and his mate. Considering that's what he did to my family." She let out a small breath in a gasp but furrowed her brows.

"I...I am sorry" she stated.
"It's fine. I'm going to kill him so it doesn't matter now" he stated and had gone to her, taking her hand and walked towards the back. There were two stands, mannequins really and hey had suits on them. Not formal but they seemed like professional...assassin wear.

"Everyone has worn it, and you will today" nirvana looked at it, she liked it. He had turned her towards him and placed his arms around her. He held her hands In his and sighed, moving his head and placing his nose on hers.

"I'm sorry...for yelling...for getting angry..." he whispered softly.
"It's okay..." she sighed and chewed her lip.
"I know you didn't mean it...I stepped out of line with you and made everything worse" nirvana held onto his arm right and clenched her jaw.

It took a soft moment but he placed his lips against hers as she did him and squeezed his arms as they did so.

"It I mean...I like it. It's really a good fit..."
"That means my mother was your size, that's good. Means we don't have to get it fitted." Holding the mask in her hand she did a smile and walked out, wiping it off of her face she lifted her head up and had seen his.

"You uh...look nice?" She tried to compliment but failed so miserably and scratched the back of her head.
"Hm, come on. Everyone should be quieted down. We can leave now" he stated and placed his own mask on and had snuck out the doors, nirvana following behind him. She had learned different techniques from the training, she surely wasn't the best at sneaking but she was at fighting. She kept behind him and furrowed her brow, she knew she wasn't allowed, or it wasn't really okay to talk during but she really wanted to ask where they were going, it clicked in her head, she twisted her mouth as it felt like seconds as they shifted the light the trees and stopped.

"Leon had given me a letter, the target is Alpha Cutter...his mate had sent us a letter. Seems that Cutter is a pedophiliac targeting his children and others. Anyone who has challenged him has been killed or locked up. The mate of this alpha has wanted kill this man."

"Wait, but if we kill him won't it kill her also?"
"She stated that she will...figure that out herself." Nirvana furrowed her brows and moved a tree branch.
"We meet her towards the back. Make sure your scent is hidden." He placed his mask back on and jumped down speeding towards the back. As they got there a woman was sitting in a chair. She was sniffling and laughing to herself with a mug in her hand. She was dressed nicely, but not formally.

"Ma'am" the female wolf jumped up a bit and glanced towards the back. She wiped her eyes, her makeup not faltering a bit.
"Is" She stated softly and stood.

"Yes," Carter bluntly stated and got out from the bushes, along with Nirvana.
"I knew it...You are...the alpha and Luna?" Nirvana had gotten a glance from Carter, showing that she would need to answer.

"We are" she stated strictly but softly as he did. He gave a slight nod of approval.
"My husband has done some bad things. It's been 20 years since he...started. I only found out 3 years later when a child had died. Many have tried but they're all dead, locked up or worse." The woman smiled and looked up.

"He's in the courtyard, but please make it clean, swift. And bring him to the top room. There will be a letter for you. But when you arrive I will
Not me...-"

"We understand." Carter interrupted and slid back into the darkness of the trees.
"Follow, stay close." He whispered softly and we had gone towards where she said the courtyard was. When they did they had found the alpha male on a stone, he was laying down and had a bottle in his hand. Seemed like he was drunk and talking to himself.

"Your weapon out, eyes locked."
"Wait, I'm going to kill him?" She asked and raised her head.
"Yes. You need your first kill to officially be with us. Go"
"Like she said. She didn't want a mess and she wants it quickly" Nirvana stared at him and had gotten down from a tree.

Not sure exactly how to kill him, or how to keep it clean, slash his neck? No that would cause blood spatter. Stab him in the stomach? He may still be alive, but then again her gauntlets were silver so it should be easy. But she also had a syringe filled with wolfsbane and silver.

She took out the syringe and lowered her breathing. Walking towards the man and glancing back to her mate she walked quietly. Holding the syringe she got behind him. She was going to kill him, something in her was hesitant. She knew he was bad but she didn't realize she was going to kill someone. Before she was able to stab the syringe in his neck she was hit by a glass bottle and was hit backward feeling her back scrape the ground. A loud growl came from the trees and a large rumble and lifted her head up seeing her mate land in front of her.

"Come to kill me yes? You...must be the alpha. And Luna of Thai so famous assassin pack." His voice wavered and he slurred his words with a smirk.
"My wife? She sent you didn't she...that bitch. Spent 20 years with her, not fault that I'm attached to the younger ones. But that's not my fault isn't it?" He laughed loud and looked at nirvana who had gotten up.

"Come on. Kill me" he got in a stance as his bones changed and shifted. A black wolf stood in front of them, not bigger than her fathers though.
He lunged at Carter and Carter did the same, he didn't shift and this came to realization towards her, she has never seen his wolf before throughout the month/She's been with him. She's never seen one wolf form.

As they fought she stood there not sure what to do, he knew he would win considering that the other alpha wolf was drunk to a point. Growls had rung through the air and she didn't want to be useless, he let the knives from her gauntlets come out and she jumped straight seeing her mate being pinned down and slashing the other alphas back making him howl and fall sideways but still upwards.

She dug her feet into the ground and shot towards him stabbing her gauntlet into his shoulder and making him howl grabbing her by the arm and throwing her into her own mate who held her upwards.

"The neck, hit that and he'll shift back" he whispered into her ear and she nodded and ran quickly, juking him and getting onto his back and stabbed his neck, he finally shifted and held his neck.
"They wanted it! They didn't care if they had a mate in the future but they asked for it! And my wife, she's just a bitch who!-" Nirvana growled and went after him, hearing he made her angry, she jumped down on him and shoved her knife covered silver and shoved it into his mouth, considering she had her own brother so young and hearing him say that made her angry. Removing her blade she watched as he coughed up blood and spat it over her mask. She watched as he drowned in his own blood and she stepped back into her mate's chest.

Her eyes widened and she placed her hand onto her mouth, she didn't realize what she did but felt hands on her shoulders.
"You did good" he whispered into her ear and she turned around. He knew she couldn't see his face but he had a Small smile, proud of her really.

She looked down slightly and he tabbed the male and placed him over his shoulders. She watched her mate bring him up to the room and they both saw the Luna, she was already dead but only died seconds ago when she made did. There was a note, she wanted them both to go with dignity so he dresses him up in the clothing that she set out for her dead husband, and laid them side by side.

The rest was to burn the entire pack down and take the wolves who resided to his pack, and when he did he made a big announcement. Stating that their alpha is now dead, getting the former beta to let out the needed prisoners.

"If you want to stay, and burn with this pack then you may, or you will come with us, or you find some other pack. The choice is yours. Follow if you can" he stated out. Carter then told nirvana to lead the remaining people to head to their pack.
"Lead them, I'll be right behind you" he placed his hand on her shoulder and pressed his forehead against hers.

"But...what are you gonna do?"
"I'm going to burn this place to the ground as wished. I'll be behind you. Now go" he let her hand go and disappeared somewhere into the pack and she jumped down to lead them. She didn't say a word the entire time she leads them and when she did she saw Leon, Harper, and Scarlett at the pack lines.

"Luna, come with me" Leon stated and she nodded. Scarlett and Harper had decided to take the newcomers and show them the way.
"It went well I'm guessing," Leon asked and glanced down at her as she took off the mask.
" can say that" she softly answered, she was still shaken up from what she did.

"Expected I guess, the alpha told me to let you get some rest." They both stopped by their bedroom door and she looked up.
"Welcome to the pack, officially. Luna" he did a Curt nod and walked away.

She walked inside of her room and went straight to dropping her clothes, she looked at her hands, they were clean but she knew she had blood on them. She stood there naked for a moment and shook while walking to her shower and sitting down as the hot water feels on her body. She pulled her knees to her chest and leaned her head down closing her eyes.

She heard the door open and closed and she quickly got up. Grabbing no the knob and ready to turn it off when she felt a hand on hers.
"Carter!? I what are you-"

"Shush" he demanded and he walked into the shower with her.
"What...what are you doing. I mean.." he had got in front of her and took her hand.
"You're shaking, the waters hot. What's wrong?" He asked her and she turned her head.

"I...I killed a guy, but he's bad and I feel...I feel bad...or not bad but just" she felt the water mix in with her tears and she felt her cheek touch his chest, not thinking at the moment she placed her forehead on his chest with her eyes closed and soon opened them, as she did so she turned her head quickly.

He held her close and reached down for her body wash, feeling her emotions only to a small extent he placed some on her back and began rubbing, her giving out a sigh and closing her eyes. She felt his hands travel along with her sides and arms, soon leading to her stomach.

20 minutes later they both stepped out of the shower and she wrapped the towel around herself, as she walked towards her dresser she flat hands on her sides.
"Wait...I want to..." he mumbled softly into her mark, she let out a soft whine raising her hand to place it on his head, the force of habit to place her hand on the back of his ear and press. It had made him moan out softly and his hold on her got tighter. It only took him a second before he let go and walked backward turning to the wall.

"C-Carter?" She started hearing a low growl and turning to him.
"How." He demanded and placed his hand on the bridge of his nose.
"How? How what?" She widened her eyes and realized her mistake.

"My dear, how did you know about my ear" he growled and went towards her, she began chewing on her lip.
"I...I just...I don't know me just..." she took a breathe and he grabbed her arm.

"Have You slept with me..or Drax behind my damn back?" Listening to this her eyes widened and yanked her arm away.
"No! I haven't how could you say that!?" She dated and officially pushed him away, quickly grabbing some clothing and placing it on her body.

"Don't you accuse me of something of that" she yelled at him and she walked toward her side of the bed. Sitting down she balled her fist.

"But you did do something, what was it."
"Yes. Okay? Yes, I did. But no I wouldn't...I didn't"
"But you're doing..things with my wolf. Using me. Did you not think I wouldn't notice?" Standing up she pushed his chest.

"You haven't noticed because you've never noticed me the entire time we've been together but your wolf has noticed me!" She screamed at him, angry about his statement.

"You're the one that wants to wait to mate so of course I've never touched you"
"Okay? But that didn't or doesn't mean I never wanted some type of affection. All you do is go out to god knows where and come back when you need me for some shit like today! You made me kill a person!"

"That person was bad! And you know what we got out of that kill? We have more pack members. And what did you expect being mated with someone from this pack? A pack of Lollipops and fucking rainbows!?"

"Fuck you."
"Fine. Let's go ahead and fucking do so!" Nirvana's eyes widened and she clenched her jaw.
"I mean you like fooling around with my wolf so you must want something." He grabbed her arms and her eyes widened.

"You touch me without my permission I swear I will make you live a living nightmare" she growled out and he immediately let go.
"Good. Night." 

Marked By An Assassin  (2nd in the Alpha series)Where stories live. Discover now