Chapter 6

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"You're pushing her away" Leon walked beside his alpha and was talking to him. "I'm not. She's the one doing the pushing.""You said you almost forced her due to her having some weird affair with your wolf. You are your wolf you know that right?"
"Yes...but she should've told me""She didn't have to tell you anything, basing on how you reacted. Your mate tells my mate everything, every detail. And she tells me. So I know."
"I wasn't that rough...""Sure, but friend to friend you need to show her some compassion or you're gonna lose her" he states and a growl came from Carter's chest. 
"Be softer, I mean you don't necessarily have to when you're, well you know as long as she's okay but be gentle with her now. She's 18 years old. You're 25. Slight age difference. Still a difference, crazy hormones" 
"And? She's...damn it" Carter crossed his arms as he walked to his room. "Just talk to her, genuinely?" Carter let out a grumble and entered the room. It was nighttime and he saw his mate sleeping. He let out a sigh and got in the shower and handed into his night clothes and got beside her. He looked at her and slowly moved over to her pressing her back to his chest. He kissed her neck and moved his thumb into her back dimples. 
"I'm sorry.." he mumbled into her back, she was slightly awake and heard him. They haven't been close to each other in the past 3 days and he was finally getting around to say sorry. 
She huffed softly and held the blanket close to her. "I'm sorry...I really am..." he mumbled to her and wrapped his arms around her chest hugging her to him. She turned to her and tilted her head. 
"What do you want me to say? I forgive you?""No.., well maybe. But I just want to say I'm sorry...and I love you"+++
"I'm sorry....I'm so sorry..." He sat up in his bed and rubbed his face, his words last night repeating in his head. He looked at his mate that was in the bed with him, he felt bad for what he did and hunched over. He leaned towards her and placed a hand on her shoulder.
"What?" to his surprise she was already awake."I was going to wake you for training""Yeah, I know. No need to remind me" She brushed his hand off and got up, walking away. He needed to find a way to say sorry to her."Better start kissing up to her, you did bad" His wolf taunted him, he hated it.Nirvana went down to Scarlett, she was messing with the weapons and she did a soft smile."Hey, you okay?""Yeah, frustrated but fine.""I can tell, whats up?"
"Carter, that's what up" Scarlett nodded, she understood correctly at this point."Carter was raised to take what he wants, always be on top, and never show emotion, he wasn't truly taught to love his mate like he should, he may think he knows how but he doesn't. His father cut him off from love after his mother died, you really do have to understand"
"That doesn't excuse him for being an ass though, he irks me" "I know, I know. Don t worry, once you two get along, things will be fine" she threw her some type of whip..."Go get ready, he's coming out" she let out a sigh and went to go to the training area. She lightly dragged her fetus she walked towards the training area. Looking at the whip she unraveled it since no one was there at the time and lashed it at a tree, slicing some bark off of the tree. She nodded to herself and slowly got the hang of using it and making sure she didn't hit herself in the process, at times she did and the wounds healed that were on her legs and some on her arms. She hissed at the most of the pain but pushed through it, only being 20 minutes she was able to handle it well but not well enough. Carter had been watching for the past 5 minutes, seeing her handle it very well. He was going to teach her to see smells instead of just smelling them after helping her with the whip, he knew that wasn't her weapon, but needed to learn each one of them. He walked beside her as she was inspecting it, he cleared his throat and that scared her, she slashed the whip by accident and he caught it in his hands. 
"Ah...sorry.." she mumbled as he pulled it, making her move forward."What-" He placed his lips on hers.
"I'm sorry, don't be mad at me for long...I don't want you to be mad at me..." She made a face, she knew she wasn't going to pull away, knowing he wouldn't let her go in the first place.
"I won't, I'll just be mad at you for however long I feel like it, but I know it's not your fault, just you know I won't forgive in the blink of an eye." he did a nod and held her.

"I'm going to teach you some things, it seems like you do good with the WhIP, but the whip is Leon's specialty." she nodded and he walked a bit more and got instance moving his hands, telling her to go ahead and attack him. She did a slight smirk, she liked this, she liked hitting things, she had some type of bloodlust within her that she could handle but tempered in the right spot she could go out of control. The world seemed to be slowed as she attacked, he was also given the ability to see things in slow motion, all children of alphas could do this in any assassin pack they are giving a specific ability, of course his ability was only good for some things and he could only use it in specific moments. As he watched her, he saw her face. Not a waver in her expressions, not all people can keep a normal straight face while training or so forth. Mainly he was the one that could also have a cool, calm collected normal conversation while training, which irked some of his pack.

"You're doing well, keep your arms up instead of low, always high attacks." She slightly furrowed her brows and did as he said, of course, she wasn't really able to land a hit on him till the very end which made her smile, he had gotten a cut on his face that quickly healed.

"You're doing good...I like it, you actually laid a hit on me" he looked at her and took the whip setting it down. He took her arm and led her into the woods and went up some trees. He was on the top while she was down at the bottom."Hurry up, climb the tree. Don't think too much of it. It's like running through the trees without making a sound." She furrowed her eyes, she remembers how to do so. She closed her eyes for a moment, and like a flash, she was across from him on the same tree."That was...easy...I didn't expect it to be easy...why is the author making things easy for me?""Author? What author?" he asked and crossed his arms."Nothing...nothing..." Nirvana shook her head and looked forward."You're going to smell with your eyes now"

"Smell? With my eyes?" she asked skeptically."What am I supposed to do? See everyone's different colored smells?" "See, you have the idea." she shook her head, she was only kidding. He then got beside her and placed her hands onto the tree.
"Now, look but look on a different scale, I understand it's not an exact science but use your vision to look on out there, first you'll see what the human eye cannot at a certain distance, then push it further and then use your nose" "How the hell am I supposed to do that?" He shook his head and just gave her a look.
"Yeah yeah...give me A second...damn" she mumbled and did so, this only made her eyes strain and her head hurt, she stopped with a quick huff and held onto her head.

He did a sigh and placed his hand on her arm. "You're putting too much stress on yourself. Clear your mind first and don't pay attention to any of the smells that you smell near you now"

"Each smell has a different color, you'll be able to see it." She grunted and tilted her head.It had been a little bit as she still was getting hard headaches and her eyes soon grew tired. It was evening and she had wanted to just lay down for a moment, but she couldn't just give this up."You realized I'm not a born assassin right?"
"If you're mated to me then yes you are, you have the bloodlust and you have the skills, don't worry, you're going to get this...maybe this will help you" she then pressed his finger into her neck, she gave out a small sound and slapped his hand away.
"Ow! What the hell was that?""Try now, go ahead" he stated and she rubbed her neck, now trying again. It did take her another 2 tries but as she did it got better and her eyes softened along with her head slowing down, soon seeing everything in a black and white scale and then normal scale.
"Something weird happened, but I think I got it?" she slightly asked."Now smell for something, anything. Try a person, or another wolf" she nodded and then she saw it, a green streak slowly making its way downwards and far off.
"I can't tell you what colors they would be, each person sees different smells as different colors""I see it! But it's green, I mean I think I can see what it's a..oh it's harper and Leon? They both have the same color"
"All mates have the same color together, as long as they are fully mated" she nodded and blinked and it was gone."Thanks...""You'll be able to just think and see it...don't hurt yourself over small things..." he gave her a kiss and dropped down, a small smile coming to her lips.

Marked By An Assassin  (2nd in the Alpha series)Where stories live. Discover now