Chapter 6- unfair

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I woke up in my bed. Why I didn't remember getting back into bed, I had no idea. I slowly sat up, taking in the small hotel room I had stayed in for a only a few minutes before I ran. As I was surveying, my eyes landed on a dark figure in the corner of the room and I shrieked.

Gripping the blankets to me, I began to shake. Who was it? Why were they-

"Would you shut up?" Karma stood with his arms crossed in the corner of my room. Decked out in all black, he looked absolutely ominous. "We have things to do and the last thing I need is the police showing up."

I quickly nodded and shut my mouth. The last thing I needed was to piss him off even more.

"I need to go do my job and since you are prone to escaping, you have to come with me."

"Where are we going?" I got off the bed and began to follow him out the door.

He led me to his car and I began to think he wasn't going to answer, when he did. "An old man."

"Why are you just paying back his karma now?"

Karma began to snicker. "He's changed apparently."

My heart sunk. So it was an old man who was trying to do good. How was this fairness? Growing up? Karma to me meant fairness for actions. The man had to have some good Karma, right?

"What about good karma?"

"I don't believe in good karma."

I froze. He didn't believe in good karma? Only bad? I decided to keep my mouth shut, too afraid to argue.

At last, we arrived at the nursing home where the old man lived. We walked up past the reception desk and karma placed a hand on my head, whisking me past any kind of guards that were guarding the old.

I looked up in confusion and he grunted. "Invisibility."

I nodded as if I knew what he meant and continued to follow him through the winding hallways and up to an open door. Karma swept through the doorway and up to the bed, still keeping his hand on my head.

"Hello, Reagan." His booming voice startled the olde man who was reading a newspaper.

He looked up with a slight smile, "Hello, I seem to not recognize you. You are?"


"Karma?" The man looked confused, "What do you mean."

"I mean, old man, that I'm here to pay you back for all your mistakes."

I could see the older man begin to tremble and I subconsciously stepped forward to help but was harshly jerked back by Karma. I gave him a sad look which he noticed and instantly shrugged.

"Please," The man began to beg, "I've changed."

"I don't care." And with a flick of his hand, the man was choking.

I broke free from Karma's hold and ran to the man's side. "Let him go!"

As soon as the words had left my mouth, a choking sensation came over me, it felt as if a hand was on my throat. It was gone before I could begin to try and break free but I was shellshocked. The man beside me continued to choke and Karma walked over to me, gripping onto my head and leading me out of the room.

"Now, we let Death take care of it."

Once we were in the car, it had all sunk in. He had killed that innocent man without a second thought and I couldn't have done anything to stop it. Is that what he will do to me?

"You monster." The words were a murmur but he heard it.

"Excuse me?"

"You're a monster. You killed that man."

"Get out of the car." He stopped in the middle of the street and unlocked the door. "I don't need your help anymore."

I jumped out and began to walk away when his parting words reached me, "I don't doubt we will meet again when it comes time to pay for your sins."

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