Chapter 3- the deal

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"You killed someone." I stared straight ahead, not wanting to make eye contact. Of course, I shouldn't be so judgement with my father being a killer and all but I had never seen someone die.

He seemed to be thinking the same thing. "Your father did."


"But what? Spit it out." He growled, his eyes firmly glued to the rode.

When I didn't say anything he let out an annoyed sigh and began to talk. "You need to learn your place. You are nothing compared to me and you will be treated as such. This is not a vacation and we will not be having any fun. Any behavior I don't like will only be added to the already long list of bad karma you have." He paused for a second before continuing. "I have a very low tolerance and will not hesitate to kill if need be. You are only valuable as long as you make yourself. When you are of no value anymore, I would watch myself. I will not hesitate to punish you."

Is he serious? I am nothing compared to him? I can loose my value? And punish me? Long list of bad karma? I slowly turned to look at him only to see he was dead serious.

"I refuse to help you."

"Strike one."

I stared back at him in shock. "You can't make me, I won't betray him."

"If you don't, I will personally make sure every waking moment of your life is a living hell. And if you don't believe me, just try me."

At this point I was trembling in my seat. Make my life a living hell? What could he possibly do?

"To help you make your decision I could name a few things you've done." I opened my mouth to stop him but it was too late. "When you were four, you bit your mother so hard she had to go get stitches. At five you strangled your cat almost to death."

"No I didn't-"

"I saw it. When you were ten you swung at bat at rose and gave her a big bruise. At twelve you told your mother she was ugly and she cried for a week."

At his my mouth dropped open, that was the year before she died.

"At fifteen you told a girl to go die and she nearly did and you failed to tell someone about you dad."

I remembered the girl then. She had pushed me around and spread rumors and I had lashed out one day. Thinking back on my actions, I began to cry. Perhaps I did deserve this, perhaps this was part of my karma.

"Oh, I'm not done." He snickered at my expression. "For any of those offenses I could have had a number of things done to you such as being kidnapped, killed, family member dying."

"You would do that? Kill an innocent person for another's sins?"

"Sweetheart, I can do anything I wish. I have no boss, it's just me and my decisions."

He would really do that? If he's karma, which I'm starting to believe, that means we're all in danger.

"But don't you have karma?"

He didn't answer, only stared straight at the road.

"Can we please pull over?"

He didn't budge.

"I need to pee."

Still no answer. After an hour he finally pulled over at an old abandoned gas stations and unlocked the doors so he could go get gas. I leapt out of the car and ran to the building in hopes of finding someone able to help me escape.

I walked in to find an teenage girl working the register. I gave her a forced smile and walked up until I was pressed against the counter.

"Hi, I'm Rylan, how can I help you today?" She beamed at me.

My voice dropped to a whisper when I spoke. "Please, I need help. I-I've been taken hostage and-"

The door gave a loud ring, signaling the entrance of a customer. I spun around to see him standing there with a fake smile plastered onto his face.

"There you are!" He called out, giving me a seemingly genuine grin. "The gas is all filled, ready to go, baby?"

I blanched, baby? The girl at the counter ran her eyes up and down him, seemingly liking what she saw as she gave me a thumbs up. I pled with my eyes, hoping that she would realize it was all just a facade but she was too busy checking out Karma. I nearly burst out into tears but managed to hold myself together and give him a nod, too scared of what would happen if I didn't play along.

He opened the door for me and I slowly stepped outside, blinking away the tears. I had such high hopes that someone could help me.

As I slowly got back into the truck, I had a sinking feeling that I wasn't going to make it.

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