Chapter 8- truth

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"A... friend... of mine said that he saw someone who matched the exact description I gave out for your father."

No no no, please no. "I-why are you doing this?"

"You know, I have a question for you." He completely deflected my question. "Why didn't you tell anyone?" He glanced over at me, "You seem like a straight edge pussy."

I pretended not to hear the last part. Should I tell him? I suppose there was no harm in spilling out my feelings. "Because I don't know why." I held back my tears. "And every time I thought of him, all I could think of was my amazing childhood with him."

Karma didn't say anything, only grunted. "Want to know the real reason why he killed a young stripper?"

I nodded eagerly, "Yes."

"He had called her in and had his way with her when she began to protest."

"Protest about what?"

"She didn't want to do some of the things he wanted to do so he killed her."

I froze and a flood of emotions came over me. He had just killed someone because they disagreed? This man was hardly the father I remembered. And to myself, I muttered, "And he left his daughters to clean up his mess."

Karma didn't say anything, only kept his eyes on the road.

"I'll help you."

A few hours later we arrived at a small home in the middle of nowhere. I looked to Karma in confusion. "Why are we here?"

He gave an annoyed sigh. "Work."

He jumped out of the car, the whole ground rattling with his huge impact. I got out also and began to walk over to him, knowing that he would need to disguise himself and me. He placed a hand once again on my head and drove me forward to the front door.

After shooting me a sidewards glance, he walked through the door. I let out a gentle gasp and followed him. It felt like nothing, not at all like what I imagined walking through a door would be like. I followed him through the small ranch home and eventually entered a little girl's room.

The walls were bright pink with unicorns lovingly painted on. He walked over to the sleeping child and with a motion of his fingers, a horrible stench filled the room. I gave him a questioning look and seconds later the girl woke up, soaking wet. She began to sob and seconds later her mother and father were in the room. The second they saw the mess on the little girl's bed, they began to yell.

Karma nodded, obviously pleased. He guided me through the doorway and out the front door. The sounds of yelling still filled the ranch as we exited. Why would he do that to a child? It hadn't been her fault but she thought it was and now she was in trouble. I guess it was good that he hadn't killed her or hurt her in any way, but it was still cruel.

We slowly got back into the car and the question left my mouth without my consent. "Don't you get karma?"

He gave me a raised eyebrow. "And why do you care?"

"Dunno... just wondering." I mumbled, glancing down at the floor.

He heavily sighed. "No, I don't. It's a perk of the job." He chuckled, "If I did, I would be in deep shit."

"Why don't you?" I burst out.

Karma snorted. "I am Karma. You think I would punish myself?"

I suppose not. I had just hoped there was some fairness to this whole system. "I suppose not."

"Tomorrow's your birthday, isn't it?"

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