Chapter 9- happy birthday

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I slowly nodded. "How did you know?"

He gave a lazy shrug. "I know everything." Bullshit.

"Be honest." I pushed.

"Security check."

My heart sunk. "What did you..."

"What did I find? Nothing of interest. Turns out you're pretty boring." His words were seemingly harmless but nonetheless they hurt me.

I supposed I was pretty boring, I simply lived my life... that is, until last week when dad had left. My life had flipped upside down and for better or for worse, I wasn't entirely sure yet.

"Want to go out to eat?" His voice was low and my eyes shot over to him. Go out to eat? "Well, do you want to?"

I nodded eagerly and he just let out a small hum, his face still locked into his always present scowl. He turned the car into a small diner on the side of the busy highway. We walked to the door and for once, he waited for me and walked slowly so I could keep up. He walked a bit ahead and held the door open for me to my surprise. I quietly thanked him and walked past him into the foyer.

Lights lit up the place and diners crowded the place, filling up nearly every table, except for one. Karma strode forward, grabbing me by the wrist and dragging me over to the table.

A small waitress scurried over to us with an apologetic look. "I'm sorry, but that couple had been waiting for this table." She gestured to an elderly couple who both had looks of rage and superiority on their face.

Karma dropped my wrist and hurried over to the couple, he leaned into the man's ear for a second and when he leaned back up, the man was shellshocked.

"So can me and my girlfriend have this table?" He gave an apologetic look to the older man who just blankly nodded.

Karma came back over to the two of us and shot the waitress a winning smile. She seemed confused but shook it off with a large smile. "Right this way, Mr..."


"Mr. Dominic." She finished with her winning smile.

She seemed to not even notice me as she waited for us to be seated. She blinked her stubby eyelashes at Karma and he shot her a smile. Something bubbled up in my chest akin to jealousy. Was I jealous? No, no, of course not. I had spent most of my time trying to escape him, trying to get back to Rose. Why would I care whether he flirted? It is absurd! Crazy even and yep... I am totally jealous.

I plopped down in my seat and let out a polite cough which the waitress instantly took as her cue. I guess she does have some decency.

"What can I get for you two to drink?"

"Tequila for me and a glass of wine for the lady." She gave a tight smile to me and a flirty one to him and was off, shaking her abnormally large hips.

"I assume you've never drank?" His voice was calm and soothing and I found myself agreeing.

"Never. You do know I'm-"

"Eighteen. A virgin. Aquarius. And 74th in your class. I also know that you liked the same pathetic boy for five years and would even-"

"That's enough." I nervously chuckled and fiddled with my fork.

I could feel his eyes boring into my head as I stared intensely at my silverware. After a long period of silence, the waitress came back with our drinks and I instantly reached for my red wine. I took a big sip.

That was a mistake.

I began to cough uncontrollably and spit it out. From across the a deep laugh rumbled the table. My head shot up to see Karma laughing.

Actually laughing.

This would be interesting.

Dinner was mostly quiet with very little small talk. Every once and a while Karma would grunt out something about a lead on my father and my stomach would flip. Once we got back into the car, he passed me his phone.

"You can call Rose."

My eyes lit up and I hesitantly took the phone. "Thank you!" I grinned and waisted no time dialing the familiar number into his smartphone.

The phone answered on the fourth ring.


"Rose!" My voice was laced with elation.

"Taylor? Where are you?" She wasted no time in questioning me on my whereabouts.

"I'm with a...." I shot Karma a glance. What was he? "A friend."

"Taylor I was-"

"You heard me leave."

"W-What do you mean?"

"You heard me. Don't lie to me Rose."

The other end was silent.


"I heard you, okay? I was just scared and-"

"I would have helped you."

She let out a sad sigh. "I know. Are you safe?"

Was I safe? I once again looked over at Karma. "I am. You know what, Rose? I have to go."

"Okay," I could hear her sniffle. "I love you so much, Taylor."

"I love you too, Rose."


I clicked the end call button. Goodbyes were never my forte. I handed the phone back to Karma. "Thank you."

He gave me a tight lipped smile. "Don't thank me."

"No, really. Thank you."

He glanced over at me and gave me grin. Perhaps Karma wasn't so bad.

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