Chapter 5- escape

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I ran like my life depended on it and quite frankly, it did. I knew I still had a while before he realized I was missing. As I was sprinting down the darkened streets on Nevada, I began to think. I wondered how he had known about my dad, perhaps he was a police officer? Anything but the embodiment of Karma. But as I continued to think, the more I can to the realization that he wasn't lying.

He had suspended and killed that man with a flick of his wrist and besides that, he himself was very... unique. He was abnormally tall with a booming, echoing voice and nearly white eyes. He had known of my father and many things I hadn't ever told a soul.

Maybe he really was... Karma. The thing my mom had jokingly warned me about when I was a child. Perhaps he was really a supernatural being. Perhaps I really was in more danger than I originally expected.

Instead of being just kidnapped, I had been kidnapped by a supernatural creature of wrath.

If even possible, I began to run any faster. What would he do if he found me? Would he kill me? Or worse? I stopped on the side of the road and began to hyperventilate. This was a bad bad idea. How could I be so stupid as to believe I would make it out alive when he had warned me that any step out of line would result in a painful punishment.

I began to beg God, even though I was hardly religious, for any kind of mercy. Mercy that perhaps he would let me live and see Rose again. Even in the back of my mind, I highly doubted that.

At last, I came upon a old warehouse that was peeling and nearly completely torn down. I slowly walked up, surveying the wreckage and looking for a place to hide. I stepped inside of the dark building and dropped down onto the floor.

So how does he find people and learn their sins? I then thought back on what he had said earlier and let out a gentle gasp. He had said he was there. There? How could he have been there?

In an instant, I was brought back to that day. My mother was a beautiful lady with a kind heart who didn't take no for an answer. She had been spiritual, raising both Rose and I on the gospel which she had lived by. But despite her beauty, she was obsessed with the idea of her being ugly. Now, in no way was she ugly. Men watched her on the streets as she walked by and women glared, she was by no means ugly.

Well, one day, as per usual, she was busy preaching about Jesus and his followers to me and Rose and I had enough. I calmly told her I didn't believe and she began to throw a fit. She screamed and cried, saying that I would go to hell and by the end of it, I had grown so fed up that I decided to prey on her weakest point.

I told her she was ugly.

I shivered, remembering the way she had went dead silent and had slowly turned away. I deserved something terrible for that and perhaps I had already gotten it. One year after that, my mom passed away from a car wreck, leaving me an absolute mess at the age of thirteen. Rose and I had grown closer from that point on, joining a union that was abnormal for teens that age.

By this point in my thoughts, I was curled on on the floor on the warehouse, hoping that I was completely alone. I was startled by a loud creak and a slam coming from across the building.

I instantly shot up and began to look back and forth through the darkness, hoping it was just a small animal. But even I wasn't that stupid.

It was him.

It was Karma.

I began to whimper quietly and was slowly backing away from the noise when I heard it again but from behind.

I whipped around to still find nothing. It continued to sound, each time for a different place. Just as I was about to bolt for the door, a strong pair of hands gripped my wrist and yanked me backwards into a wall. I felt myself being pinned up by my arms against the rickety wall.

"Yet again, you tried to escape. Cute."

I didn't say a word, only stared in the direction he seemed to be.

"I suppose I'll have to add that to your list." And pulling me forward, he gripped back onto my wrist and began to drag me behind him.

And I began to fear I would never be free.

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