Chapter 2- karma

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"Quit your sniveling." A deep voice echoed through my room. It was loud, so loud that everything in my room rattled. It radiated power.

I began to tremble and instantly drew my attention to the voice. The man was tall with chiseled looking features. His eyes were a light grey except for his pupils and he was tall. By tall I mean he almost hit my ceiling. I slowly inched back on my bed trying to get away from him, not saying a word.

Now that I had stopped crying, he seemed slightly pleased as his scowl has lessened. "Thank god. Your annoying voice was killing me!"

I stared up at him in horror. Who the hell was he? "W-Who-"

"Quit your stuttering, it'll give me a headache." His voice was harsh and equally as loud as before. "I'm going to get straight to the point. Where's your father?"

"My father?" I was still so shellshocked, I couldn't even put together why he may be asking.

"Yes, dumbass. Your father." He gave me an incredulous look and at my still blank expression, he grew even louder. "The killer. The man who I'm looking for!"

Suddenly, it clicked and I stared at him in horror. "Why are you looking for him?"

He glared at me and began to groan. "Human minds are so simple."

Human minds? Does that mean... "are you not human?" My voice was a low whisper, and I didn't even really want to know the answer.

"Of course not, you dumbass." He sneered. "You know what karma is?" Now his voice had grown softer and mocking, like he was talking to a baby. "Well I'm the one who dishes that out. In other words, I'm Karma."

"Y-You're Karma?"

"Are you dumb? That's what I said."

"I-I... what do you want with me?"

At this, his eyes lit up. "I need your help finding your father. You see, he's done a thing, a very bad one and he needs to be... punished." He grinned evilly at my and I swallowed back my words. He knew about dad. He knew what he had done and he was here to make him pay.

"Just leave him alone... he didn't do anything." Even to me the word rang of lies. "I won't help you with anything."

He growled lowly and and drew closer. "Yes, you will."

Suddenly, I jumped from my bed and began to run towards the door. I didn't bother to look behind me and instead flew down the stairs, taking a turn and running out the front door. As soon as I reached outside I began to pant and push myself even harder. I was halfway down the street when I heard the footsteps. They were walking.

No, not walking, strolling.

I supposed that he was so confident that he believed that even walking, he would catch me.

I ran down my street and into the crowded streets of California, hoping that I could loose him in the swarms of people walking down the street. I took a swerve into an empty alley and stopped, heaving. I began to dry sob against the wall, hoping that someone would help me. If he wasn't lying and he really was Karma, why did he have to use me to help him and what did he want with my father?

In a cruel thought, I wondered why me and not Rose. After all, she was older and prettier and knew more about our father than I did. It sickened me to want her to be taken by him and not me but I couldn't help it.

It was then that a pair of footsteps were brought to my attention. During my panic, I had failed to see the older man standing in front of me. I instantly straightened up and gave him a forced smile. "Hello, sir."

He didn't reply, only creeped forward. I gave a nervous laugh and began to scoot away but he only drew closer and began to press against him. I let out a scared squeal and tried to push him away but he had gripped onto the wall. He began to slowly grind against me, a vicious smile forming on his face.

By this point, I was sobbing, desperately trying to push him off. I was shoving against him when an even larger pair of footsteps sounded. Oh god, it's one of his buddies! I nearly threw up when I heard the new arrival. I squeezed my eyes shut and began to pray that I would be okay.

"Well well well, what do we have here?" A booming voice echoed against the stone walls. And my eyes instantly shot open. Karma lounged against the wall, a lazy smile plastered onto his face. "Little miss..." he trailed off, waiting for a name but I didn't give him that satisfaction, still crying too hard to speak.

The man on me paused and turned around, surprised to see such a man standing there. "She your girl?"

Karma gave a deep laugh and shook his head. "Nope, proceed."

The man gave a toothless grin and continued.

"Please..." I heaved. "Just help me!"

Karma shrugged and began to pick at his nails. "And why should I?"

"I-I'll come with you."

At that he perked up and stood straight. "Okay." And with a flick of his wrist, the man was off me and hanging on the wall next to Karma at least 5 feet of the ground.

I let out a horrified gasp. What is he doing? And slowly began to back away with my hands raised. Karma dropped his hand and the man fell face first onto the pavement.

A pool of blood began to spread out from underneath him and I screamed. Karma strode across and gripped my by my arm, dragging me to a large truck. He unlocked it with a click of the button and forced me inside, locking it after me with childproof lock before getting in after me.

"First off, let's set out the ground rules."

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