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18 year old Gabriela couldn't believe her luck. Here she was in the middle of nowhere, with no idea of where she was, or how to get back to from where she came. Not that she wanted to go back, because she definitely didn't. 

Yesterday was her final day in foster care. She aged out, just like every other unwanted kid, on their birthday. She'd been in 12 different foster homes, 5 different states, and over 20 different group homes. She couldn't keep count the number of schools she transferred in and out of. 

But, all of that was in the past. Here she was, with nothing but a large backpack filled with every item she owned and $98 bucks to keep her company. 

It was cold and windy outside. Her long black curly hair was unruly and kept blinding her view as she traveled down a lonely road. She'd been on this road for at least 40 minutes now with no sign of life anywhere. She couldn't decide if that was a good thing or a bad one. 

She became lost in her thoughts as she wondered why her life sucked the way it did. What was so wrong with her, why did no one ever want her. Sure she had her problems what person didn't. It wasn't like she was an ugly child. Quite the opposite actually. Before she turned 13 lots of people wanted her, that was until people learned that she was dyslexic. No one wanted a child with a learning disability. They wanted one that was perfect. If any of them actually took the time out to know her, they would know that she could learn any thing that anybody else could. It just would have taken her a bit longer...but no one cared enough to even give her a chance. 

Due to her dyslexia, kids would tease her, making her an outcast amongst her peers, it just wasn't fair. Lost in her thoughts she didn't even notice an approaching vehicle. 

"Hey kid, do you need a ride!?" A woman questioned. 

"No" The teen whispered as she shook her head and pulled her jacket closer to her body. She shivered slightly. 

"You're not from around here are you?" The woman questioned. She had to project her voice over the sound of the rushing wind. The teen stayed silent but shook her head nonetheless. "You should know that the only thing down this road is my home, and that's about 5 miles ahead...give or if you're not planning on going there, I suggest you turn around now" 

The teen stopped and for the first time she glanced at the driver. It was a woman who appeared to be in her late 40's, early 50's perhaps. She had black hair much like her own, tanned skin, light blue/grey eyes, much like her own. Gabriela couldn't help but notice that the two had many  simuliar features. She couldn't see what the woman was wearing exactly, but she noticed the red, white and blue plaid buttoned down shirt she had on. "Oh, thanks for telling me, I'll just turn around now" The teen stated as she nodded politely. 

"Get in the car" The woman yelled from her position. "Please, it's getting late and I wouldn't feel right if I just left you out here, at least let me drop you off where ever it is that you are going...or trying to get to..I can help you" 

Gabriela was tempted. She didn't want to be out here in the freezing cold. But she couldn't just hop in a strangers car either. Besides, she had no where to go. 

"But...I don't have anywhere to go...I'm homeless" The teen states. Actually saying it out loud made it real, more so than it was before. She was trying so hard to be strong, tears burned the back of her eyes. What was she going to do, she couldn't take care of herself. 

"Get in" 

"What?" She questioned. Perhaps she didn't hear that right. 

"I said get in, I'm taking you home with me" Said the older woman reaching over to pop open the passenger door. 

" don't even know me...why would you-" 

"Because you obviously need help, a young girl like yourself shouldn't be walking down the road obviously lost. You can stay with me until you get on your feet" 

"Really?" The Gabriela questioned. She sniffled. She bounced on the sole of her shoes wondering what she should do. At school, she was taught to never take rides from strangers, but what other choice did she have? She had no where to go, besides, this was a woman and she looked nice enough. "Are you sure?" 

"Yes, positive, now get in, it's going to rain soon and I'd like to be at home when it does" The woman offered with a smile. 

The girl smiled as well. Soon she was in the car and sighed with happiness as the heat from the car warmed her up. She didn't know what the future would hold, but at least for now, at least for tonight, she'd have a place to go. "I really appreciate this ma'am" 

"No problem sweetie. Since you're going to be staying with me for a while I think it's only right for me to introduce myself properly. I'm Joan" 

The teen smiled. "Gabriela" 

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