The Punishment

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Gabriela stood before Joan who sat at the foot of her bed. 

"Come on Gabriela, lets get this over with" Joan stated sternly. This was a punishment after all. She patted her lap signaling the position Gabriela should assume. 

"Do we have to do this?" 

"Absolutely, I let you off with a warning this morning, yet you continued to misbehave, you need this punishment, then you'll be my good little girl again and all will be forgiven. It's nearing 4a.m-" Joan states as she looks at the clock on the wall. "well past your bed time. Let's get this over with shall we" 

Gabriela couldn't believe she was about to get a spanking. One as an adult at that. She'd only received one spanking in her entire life, she was about 4 at the time. She'd had an accident and wet the bed, her caregivers spanked her so she told her social worker and was removed from the home. This time, no one would save her. She sighed. Best get this over with. How hard could a spanking be anyway? She was an adult after all. She could take it. She figured it would be awkward and uncomfortable at the most. 

Soon as she was within reach of Joan, she was pulled roughly across the older woman's lap. Joan wasted no time pulling the thin shorts along with panties down to the teens knee. 

"Hey!" Gabriela shrieked. She threw her hands back trying to pull her shorts up. She was sure she was blushing like crazy. "Don't do that" 

Joan firmly placed Gabriela's hands back to were they were before and stated firmly. "You do not tell me what to do, I am the mommy here, not you, and you do not cover yourself from me while you are being punished, am I understood?" 


Gabriela hissed in pain when she felt something hard hit her backside. She soon discovered it was a large wide hair brush. It hurted so much and it left an unpleasant sting behind. She hated that stupid brush. "Ow!" 

"I said do you understand?" 

"YES" Gabriela shrieked. 

She received another one. "Yes what?" 

"Ow, Yes Mommy" Gabriela states. "Please no more, I'll be a good girl" She begged. 

"We haven't even started yet little one. Since this is your first punishment I think you should receive 20 swats. I think that will get my point across" And then Joan began. She didn't hold back at all. Gabriela kicked, she screamed, she pleaded. She was damn near sobbing by the 10th hit. 

"Mommy, please, no more, it hurts too much" 

"We're almost done, 10 more" Joan stated while wearing Gabriela's butt out with the hair brush. She continued and as she continued she lectured. Soon the punishment was over and when she was done issuing the punishment Gabriela stood up. She pulled her pants up as she sobbed. "Gabriela, you did so good sweet heart. I'm so proud of you and you're forgiven. Come here, let mommy hold you" 

Gabriela did as she was told. She let Joan hold her. The spanking did hurt, more than she expected that was for sure. She didn't want another one any time soon. "I'm sorry" She cried. 

"It's alright baby girl, you've learned your lesson. Now you know what will happen if you run away from Mommy again." 

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