The Choices We Make

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Gabriela peaked through the key hole to Joan's room. The room was darkened of course, after all it was night time, a little past midnight in fact. The light from the moon was the only source of light through out the whole home. She could barley see Joan's silhouette underneath the blanket, but she did hear the slight snores emitted from the room. That's all she really wanted to hear, she just wanted to confirm that the older woman was sleeping. Her heart raced as she knew if she was caught sneaking out of the home she would be in big trouble. She'd get punished for sure, but she had a good feeling about this. She had to get away, if she leave now and hurried, maybe she could make it into town before daybreak, before Joan noticed her absence. 

With no time to waste she quietly creep-ed down the wooden stairs. Although the home was beautiful, it was old. The stairs creaked here and there but she kept moving. It wasn't until she was at the front door that she turned around peered up stairs to see if she spotted any sign of life. When she didn't she carefully turned the bottom lock, then the top. Turning the door handle all the way, she held firm until the door was opened enough to slip through. It wasn't until her body was introduced to the harsh, cold night air that her adrenaline kicked in and she sprinted across the front lawn making sure she stayed within the night's shadows. 

It was a long way to civilization she knew. The road ahead was a  long one. She ran until she couldn't run  anymore. She'd made it so far away that when she turned around and checked her distance the home was now only a mere speck. She could barely see it but she knew it was there. Joan wouldn't have long to drive. Not even a mile, and she'd catch up with her. 

Along with her thoughts Gabriela walked down the long road. Although she was out of the home she surprised herself when she felt a pang of sadness mixed with a bit of guilt. She knew what Joan did and was doing was wrong on so many levels. It was mental for sure, but...was it so bad? She could have every thing that she ever wanted. Someone to care for her, some one to look out for her. What was she running away to? 

An unknown life in an unknown world. She wouldn't be able to survive out there. She felt tears running down her face, then she remembered her jacket she left hanging on the coat rack by the door. She wasn't running anymore, and her heart rate decreased back to normal, now she was shivering, and on top of that it was now drizzling. 

Gabriela felt as if she made the biggest mistake of her life. She wanted to turn around. Should she turn around? She couldn't. She herself made this choice. She could be in a nice warm comfy bed right now, sleeping peacefully, but no, she was out here, and this was her own choice. 

Feeling like crap Gabriela continued to walk down the road. Her feet was starting to hurt. She was feeling miserable. This continued on for hours. Gabriela feared the unknown. She wanted Joan. She wanted to go back, she wanted to go back home. She'd made a mistake by leaving. 

It took leaving for her to realize that Joan was home. She was mommy. 

The darkness was interrupted by a light that shined from behind her. Gabriela turned around to see a pick up headed towards her. It was Joan's. She found her. The truck got close enough then the driver side opened up and out came an angry Joan. 

"Did you really think that you could run-" Joan questioned angrily, but before she could finish that sentence she and Gabriela was both surprised at what happened next. Gabriela ran to Joan and jumped into her arms. 

"Mommy, I'm so sorry I left, but I want to go home, I shouldn't have left, I want to go home, with you" She admitted. 

Joan was taken back, and some what confused. Was Gabriela just saying that to avoid punishment. It wasn't going to work, of course. 

"You surely shouldn't have, little girl. I was so worried about you, are you even aware of the dangers that lurk out here during the night. You could have been badly injured" 

"I'm sorry Mommy" Gabriela repeated again as she hugged around Joan's waist. 

"You know I have to punish you for trying to run away from Mommy, again" 

"I know, but I just want to go home" Gabriela whispered. 

"Alright little one, get in the truck, let's go home" 

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