Though She May Be Nice

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The smell of bacon woke Gabriela. Her stomach grumbled loudly as she descended the stairs, the hard wood floors cold to the bottom of her feet. 

"Good morning baby, I wasn't sure what you liked to eat, so I made a few things. Bacon, eggs, grits, pancakes, or if you don't like any of this stuff I have some frosted flakes" Joan greeted. "Come on in, sit, eat" She pointed to an empty chair near her own. 

"Everything looks wonderful, I really appreciate this, I'm not a picky eater at all, being in the foster system you learn to eat what ever is available" 

"That's so sad to hear Gabby" Joan stated as she stood from her chair and walked closer to Gabriela before bending down and cupping her chin. "Listen to me, I know you've had a rough life in the past, but now that you're here, Mommy is going to take great care of you, now you go ahead and finish eating while I go get dressed, then after I will go and buy more groceries. Now that I have a growing little girl, I will need more food" She kissed Gabriela on the forehead before retreating to her room happily. 

Gabriela sat with her eyes wide opened. Who did this lady think that she was? Things were getting out of the hand very quickly. She closed her eyes, never before had she had this many conflicting feelings before. Joan was nice and treating her like a mother would a daughter, except Joan wasn't her mother, and the pair haven't even known each other for a full 24 hours yet. As long as it didn't go any further, Gabriela supposed she shouldn't be worried, should she? 

Gabriela quietly followed Joan around all day. She received a small tour of the city, and even learned that Joan worked as a bounty hunter. The fact that Joan found people who most likely did not want to be found and hauled them to jail didn't do anything to shake the feeling that Gabriela had since meeting Joan. The feeling that something wasn't right. 

Her suspicion was confirmed when Joan suggested buying Gabriela new clothes. 

"Oh, no, I can't accept that" Gabriela shook her head. Joan had done enough, she didn't want her buying her clothes as well. "You've done enough for me already" 

"But dear, You're my little princess and I just want to dress you up like a little doll. I'm your mother now and since I'm your mom is it's okay to spoil you with new and nice things" 

"I'm flattered Joan, really, but you're not my mother" Gabriela stated politely. She shook her head and almost felt sorry for Joan as the look of complete disappointment morphed her face. When she felt a hand collide harshly with her face she was completely shocked. She starred at Joan eyes wide before looking around the store to see if anyone else was paying attention. When she noticed that no one was, she looked back at Joan. "You hit me" Gabriela backed away slowly until she was out of  Joan's reach before turning around and running out of the store. She could hear Joan call her name but she didn't stop. 

She didn't stop until she felt a hand grip her arm effectively stopping her. She was turned around none to gently. 

"Don't touch me" Gabriela warned. "Get away from me"

"Gabriela, I'm so sorry, I got a bit carried away, I don't know what came over me, please forgive me" Joan begged. 

" hit me" Gabriela cried. She placed a hand over the spot that still throbbed. 

"It was a mistake, I admit that I was wrong....I'm sorry, please, don't run from me, I'm sorry" Joan tried again. "I just, care so much about you" 

"You do?" Gabriela questioned with a sniff. 

"Of course I do darling" Joan stated and as she pulled Gabriela in for a hug. "Please, just come home and lets put all of this nonsense behind us" 

Gabriela had the gut feeling that she should run, but she ignored the signs and instead nodded her head. The ride back to the lake house was silent. As soon as Gabriela entered the car she tried to make small talk to put the events that happened earlier behind the both of them but Joan ignored her. It wasn't until the two of them was back in the home, behind closed doors that Joan spoke once more. 

"You ungrateful little brat!" She yelled angrily. 


"Shut up. I opened my home to you, an orphan... one who thinks that she's too good for me" 

"I don't, I swear" Gabriela stated. "Joan-" 

"Excuse me little girl, you do not call me Joan, I'm your mother and you will call me mommy" Joan stated angrily while pulling the leather belt that sat around her waist off. 

"What are you doing?" Gabriela questioned backing up. She was regretting her decision to come back, she should have followed her gut. 

"I'm going to teach you a lesson, about being respectful to your mother" 

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