Chapter 2

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Dedicated To: @ZiamAllovaMayne
>>First comment on Chapter one, this is for you! Enjoy it love!<< 

"How is everything?" Liam asks walking in tow with Zayn. It was a fresh new morning in London, this time the sun actually shining brightly. "T-things are fine," It was the common lie Zayn had trained himself to always use first. Regardless who the person was asking, it was the safest response that didn't warrant questions. Unless it was Liam.

"fine? Really, you expect me to believe that the Malik household is fine?" Zayn shrugs taking a swig of his just bought water, "I don't know Lee, Harry wants to know stuff."
"Like?" The two continue walking until they reach a park with benches taking a rest. Liam turns intently towards Zayn waiting for the man to sigh crossing his legs beginning again, "Why we got a divorce."
"A-are you going to tell him?" Liam questions his eyebrows creased with worry as Zayn scoffs shaking his head, "What and have him hate himself? No Liam, I don't plan on telling him. Anne said we got in a fight."
"well that's partly true." Liam remarked, "He asked my why doesn't love Niall anymore, I-I mean what do I say to that? H-how do I tell him that he left Niall for me?" Tears build in the man's hazel eyes, "Maybe have Niall tell Harry, might help."
"Harry tried getting Niall to tell him, he wouldn't." It's silent between the two, both letting the emotions and information sink in. "Y-you know I cheated too, we blame it on Harry," Zayn starts, "B-but it takes two to tango." Liam nods, "I never said you didn't cheat, I just never accused you." Liam admits, Zayn sighing as he shakes his head, "A-at one point we had everything, you know?" He laughs with a cry, "Yea the world was crashing down at our fingertips with Robin and Anne, b-but we had everything we ever wanted."
"Y-you have that now," Liam reminds, Zayn shaking his head, "No. I have a stranger in my house," he confesses Liam raising an eyebrow, "Because just as much as Harry doesn't know himself, I don't know him either. H-he's so different Lee."
"W-we said at the beginning that we'd try and make this work, but I worry that instead of finding ways to fall in love with me-,"
"Zayn what is it?" Liam rushes the man who buries his face in his hands, "H-hes looking to leave again, and the worst part is I don't blame him."

Running water over Louis' hair, Harry giggles as does the hybrid, "Nice and clean," he hums, Louis grins up at his papa, "We's 'atch a 'moovie?" Harry nods, "I'd love to watch a movie with you Lou."
"Papa say Lou! Y-you k-know Lou!" The boy cheers clapping his hands at the nickname he hadn't heard his Papa say sense the accident. Harry gasps covering his mouth happily, "D-did I use to call you Lou?"
"Y-you's a-and Daddy 'bof call me Lou!"
"W-what else did I call you?" Harry asks kneeling down further next to the bathtub listening to Louis' sweet voice, "'M-monsta, a-and ba-baby."
"M-monster and baby?" Harry chuckles as tears well in his eyes, It's the closet he's felt to his son in ages.
Scooping Louis in a fluffy towel, Harry carries him to their bed dressing him in sweats with a white Tee-shirt, "Pa-pa?"
"Y-yes baby?"
"Y-you's call me 'wion too." Louis adds reaching out to grab his lion that laid out on the bed. Harry nods his mouth agape, "I-I did, L-lion."

Zayn soon arrived home attacking Harry with a makeout session. Once breath was needed Harry pulled away grinning goofily to see Zayn holding mistletoe over their heads. "Leave it to you.." Harry chuckled, Zayn shrugged "I just love you that much." Harry raised an eyebrow, "That's nice love. Now... Where are your parents?" Zayn paled, "M-my p-parents?" He mumbled, Harry face palmed, "You forgot them! Zayn their your parents!!" Harry chastised, Louis bounced in hearing all the yelling, "Nana here yet?" Louis asked, he had met Zayn's parents once and he really liked them. Unlike Harry's parents who he had to warm up too. "No boo Nana isn't here yet. Daddy forgot them." Harry sighed narrowing his eyes at Zayn. "Daddy!" Louis beamed running to his arms, "I miss you daddy! Papa gave bath, and then I pway, and no pwesents." He exclaimed frowning when the presents part came up. "No presents?!" Zayn repeated sadly, Louis nodded jutting his bottom lip out, "Yea no pwesents." Zayn felt a smirk tug on his lips, it took all he had not to bust out laughing. "Well... Maybe while daddy was getting the tree he got ya something. Why don't you stay with Papa and I'll go get it?" Zayn suggested sitting the now excited Louis on the floor. Louis clung to Harry's arm bouncing, "Papa pwesents!!!" He cried happily. Harry arched an eyebrow waiting to see what Zayn had up his sleeve when they both heard two voices. Harry smiled stroking Louis' hair when his Nana popped in, "Hello little boy!" She called holding her arms out. Louis gasped running to them. He did the same with his Poppy. While his Nana and poppy cuddled him, Zayn walked over to Harry, "So you didn't forget?" Harry smirked, "My parents would kill me if I forgot them." Zayn answered chuckling.
Louis was searching behind Nana and Poppy, "Where pwesent?" He asked finding it upsetting he hadn't got it yet. Zayn motioned to his parents, "Here." He said flatly, Louis scowled, "Daaaddy! Pwesent!" Louis complained, Zayn and Harry shared a look before Zayn handed over a box, "Oh fine. Here ya go baby boy." Louis squealed taking the box plopping on the floor opening it quickly. A brand new plush Lion laid in the box. Louis had seen it at the mall and just had to have it. "Papa Lion! Daddy!! Nana Poppy Lion!!! Rwar!" He pretended to growl holding it. Everyone cooed at the adorable little boy. Harry patted Zayn's lower back, "You did good baby." Zayn chewed his bottom lip, handing another box to Harry. "I hope so." He whispered, Harry opened the box seeing a silver ring. Gasping he picked it up seeing that engraved it said "Completely in love." Harry felt tears prick his eyes. "I love it." He whispered sliding it on. "Thank you." Zayn nodded, "T-those were the words on our wedding cake." Zayn reminded, Harry nodded chuckling, "Yea. Yea they were. I'm shocked you remember, we smeared the cake everywhere." He laughed remembering the Wedding, "how could I forget? It was the best day of my life?"

Hanging his coat in the closet, Zayn shook off the feeling that something was wrong. Strolling to the kitchen he sets his phone on the counter, grabbing down a glass for water to take with his pill. "W-what's that for?" Harry asks scaring Zayn who jumps. Settling down he glances at the man who remains standing with curious eyes, "D-depression." Zayn admits turning his full attention to Harry who brings a box from behind his back, "I-I uh, I found this today." Zayn raises an eyebrow holding his hand out, a velvet black box placed gently in his hands. Tears begin forming in his eyes already knowing what's in it, "Have you opened this?" Zayn sniffles, Harry nods, "Y-you gave it to me." The words stop Zayn in his tracks. Silence fills the room before Zayn pulls Harry into the most needed hug for them both "H-how did you know?"
"I-I remembered, y-your parents were coming down a-and you got Louis a Lion. H-he said we called him Lion."

Sitting across from each other at the dining table, Harry pours himself another glass of wine looking down to the boy knocked out on Zayn's lap. Louis snored softly a pacifier bobbling in his mouth as he clutched onto his lion. "I-it was his first Christmas," Zayn starts, "M-my parents were coming down and I went to the mall first to kill some time. We had taken Louis to the mall earlier that week where he begged us for that toy a-and you almost bought it for him." Harry hums with a smile seeing himself as the weaker parents when the child asked for things. "Finally we convinced him that Christmas was just a week away."
"A-and the ring?" Harry asks his voice tired yet gentle, "Y-your mom was right, w-we uh had a big fight. I-I got you that ring just a little bit before our divorce, actually." Zayn replies, "Our divorce that happened for reasons unknown." Harry bitterly stated downing the wine glass starting to get up, "I-it was my fault." Zayn hurried rising from his chair keeping Louis on his hip, "I-I uh I did drugs Harry. A-a lot of drugs and w-we couldn't have a bloody baby." Laying Louis in the playpen set in the living room, he returned to the dining room where Harry stood his eyes wide, "Y-you what?"
"I was so upset t-that it was my fault. S-so we had this huge fight. I-it was all my fault." Harry wipes at his eyes his look snapping to the ring on the table, "D-do you still mean it?"
"Mean what?" Zayn asks watching as Harry grabs the box gently removing the ring from it, "T-thank you for telling me a-about it." Zayn nods feeling like nothing more than shit. Not only had he lied to Harry, but he made him look like even worse of a guy.
Sliding the silver on his finger, Harry purses his lips, "O-our wedding day was the best day of your life?"
"N-not anymore," Zayn confesses taking Harry's hand in his, "I know you don't remember me, o-or remember ever loving me, but you waking up to me, that was the best of my life." Their lips cash together, Harry's hands rushing to the side of Zayn's face keeping the man so close to him.

Drying glasses, Liam glances at Kyle who sits at the counter spinning a piece of plastic. "Who got you that?" The dad asks, "Papa bought it for me, and one for himself." Kyle muses glancing towards Niall who enters, "You bought one of those too?!" Niall nods extending it to Liam, "Don't worry baby we can share." Liam scoffs rolling his eyes, "Thanks but I know I'm an adult." The fathers laugh at one another, "Hey, I'm off to bed."
"Goodnight love!" Liam calls, Niall blowing him a kiss. "Now that we're alone, what did Zayn say today?" Liam sighs chewing his bottom lip, "T-that he doesn't blame Harry for leaving him."
"Harry isn't going to leave him." Niall states crossing his arms, "He asked why he doesn't love you anymore?"
"Well even I don't know the answer to that? He just found Zayn better." Liam flinches at the sentence, "W-what?"
"Lee he cheated on me, he might've still loved me, b-but I ended it. You didn't know that?"
"I-I don't know. I'm just losing it these days." Liam excuses waving his hands in the air, "You're so good Liam, trying to fix everyone's problems one day at a time. I love you."
"I love you too."

Tucking Louis in his real bed, Harry enters his own bedroom where Zayn lays on his back his eyes closed. Sliding under the covers, Harry willingly places his head on Zayn's chest, "I-I think I love you."
"I love you too." Zayn returns opening his eyes to stare at the ceiling only praying that no one countered his lie. No the divorce truly wasn't his fault, but no one had to know that. If it meant Harry was happily laying in his arms, Zayn would've lied all over again. 

>Trivia: Which memory is the book from? and which chapter? The first person to get it right gets the next chapter in their dedication. 
>So looonnggg chapter guys because like said: I love this book. It's my baby, so here ya go. 
>>Don't forget to VOTE, COMMENT, FOLLOW<< ~Emma :)

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