Final Chapter: Epilogue

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"Well, my plan is to finally have this damn wedding this summer," Niall announces adjusting his posture as he sets his wine glass on the dining room table where he and Harry sat. "Good, I'm happy you're happy."

"Are you happy?" Niall asks narrowing his look as Harry smiles gently at the ring on his finger, "I am." He assures voice soft, "Good." Niall copies his friend's response, "there's a reason why things didn't work-"

"I know," Harry starts cutting Niall off as he rises from the chair collecting the bottle of wine, "I've come to realize, I'm not the best in my past relationships." He muses bitterly downing what little bit of red liquid was in his glass, "It wasn't all your fault, I wasn't there when I should've been." Niall admits, Harry pursing his lips in confusion, "What do you mean?"

"I know you don't remember this, but we had fought the night you left to stay with Zayn." He inquires furrowing his eyebrows as he recollects the memory Niall had stored away never to bring back up. Harry returns to his seat patting Niall's arm, "You don't have to tell me." The tow-headed man glances up meeting the emerald eyes, "I'm so thankful you found Zayn, Haz, you deserve to be happy."

"You do too." 

When Niall had left, Harry sighs cleaning a few dishes in the sink before checking on Louis that had been mostly quiet all day. 

Opening his door Harry grins seeing Louis on his stomach playing happily with his rangers, "What're you doing Boo?" Harry asks gently sinking to his knees next to Louis, "'pwaying."

"What're you playing?"

"'Wif 'ma toys." Laughing the father ruffles his hair petting Louis' ears as well, "I love you," Harry hums. Louis puckers his lips kissing his Papa, "I-I's 'wove ya too." 

>>Summer 2018<<

With Zayn next to him, he kisses his husband leading Harry towards the car. Driving the family to the beach, only four miles from the hotel they had been staying at. Harry opens Louis' door helping the hybrid out as he holds his hand grabbing Zayn's in his other.

Greeting Niall's mother, Harry kisses her cheek waving at Kyle as well. Niall stands by the pastor already, Zayn rushing off to find Liam. Louis tagging along as he was going to help his older cousin Kyle walk down the aisle.

Walking up the row of chairs himself, Harry tucks strands of hair behind his ear. "Are you ready?" Niall nods grinning widely with tears pools in his eyes as the music starts. Harry squeezes his shoulder reassuringly, the crowd rises, Louis starts down the aisle first carrying the pillow with the rings, Kyle his cousin trailing him. 

After the two boys, Niall gasps covering his mouth as outcomes Liam with his arm hooked with Zayn's. Walking the man to his future husband, Liam grips Zayn's arm tighter, "T-thank you." Zayn shakes his head slightly, "Don't thank me yet." 

"Who gives this man away today?" Niall furrows his eyebrows at the question as does Liam when Zayn raises his hand, "I do sir, Niall take care of him for me. I love you Lee," Liam sniffles kissing Zayn's cheek, "I love you too."

Taking his rightful place behind Liam, the ceremony continues. 

When the last words are said the crowd claps as Niall kisses Liam as if it was the first time.  Louis giggles clapping his hands glancing up at Harry seeing his Papa crying with a grin on his face.

>>Winter 2017<<

It was a couple days before Louis' birthday, things had been going so well the parents almost feared it was too good. But maybe it was finally time for things to go right. 

With everyone there, Liam and Niall, Kyle and his girlfriend Abby, Louis watched his two parents with trusting eyes, "You're my support system and the man I love. I left, to only come back. I've heard you say before sometimes you have to let the things you love go, and you did. But only because you knew I'd come back to you. A-and for that," Harry pauses wiping his eyes as he gets down on one knee pulling out Zayn's old wedding band he'd found on the nightstand, "Will you marry me?"

>>Fall 2030<<

Shutting his computer, Louis sighs wiping his eyes. Somedays he wished he'd never went off to that dumb school where they actually taught him things. Though he did enjoy writing. Among several bookcases sat his book displayed, awards he'd been given. 

He never married, and Louis had no kids to show for his legacy. Instead, he wrote a book once he learned proper English and sentence structure. Louis had dabbled with dating before realizing he was nothing more than just an animal, and sometimes wolves work best alone.

To this day he still lived with parents, though that was more for them now, instead of himself. He survived more of what any hybrid had, Louis assumed. Back when the government started clearing them out; Harry and Zayn kept their little one hidden. That's why Louis was sent to such a school, any human would know how to talk and act among others. 

Rising from his desk chair, Louis taps the button on his recorder as well ending Zayn's voice where Louis was interviewing his father before he was diagnosed with Alzheimer's. The man would speak for days about how Louis grew up, about the life he and Harry shared before; all the events Louis wrote about in his three book series. Each one dedicated to his father, for it wasn't for him, none of this would be possible. 

Exiting the office, Louis heads upstairs to the main floor where the front door sat propped open. Harry rocked in one chair next to Zayn in his old age; the two holding hands as they sat in silence watching the clouds roll. Harry sipped his wine, the white porch with the swings flowing the wind. Zayn had given him his dream house years ago it seemed, and Harry couldn't have said "I Do." again with more love in his tone if he wanted too. 

Stepping in front of his parents to capture their attention, Louis smiled when Harry reached up petting behind one of his ears, "My perfect boy,"

"I'm here Papa," Louis promises, Zayn extends his hand as well, "My son looks just like you," He states furrowing his eyebrows as his old eyes trace Louis' features, Harry rolls his eyes, "He is your son, Zayn!" Chastising his old-as-hell husband, the hybrid shakes his head in amusement as Zayn frowns, "His name was Lewis, but we called him Louis." Moving to sit on his knees, Louis stares up at him, "Tell me about him."

>>Confession time, I'm in the military as some of you know, and some of you don't. Well, I'm being sent to Italy for the next 14 months in deployment; so I'm wrapping up all my stories that I care the most about and don't trust BaileyPress to finish. So this ending was completely hurried and I'm sorry, but please please I do hope it meets standards and I hope that you all enjoyed the A father's Heart series. 

I love and am so thankful for each and every reader I have, you all make me love writing and this story will always be one of my favorites. Much, and lots of Love forever and always, Emma :)<<

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