Chapter 3

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Little White Lies.

Everyone told them. They weren't even a big deal. Everyone lies. Everyone. Right? 

That was Zayn Malik on his drive to work that next morning. Not having gotten any sleep from worrying about his "little" lie, his mind only stayed on those words he spoke. It didn't feel like he did the right thing. Because you didn't asshole; Zayn rants to himself. He didn't take the high road and instead just leave their divorce as mutual. No, he had to be the highroad and blame it all on his bloody self! 

Groaning, he pulls into his parking spot exiting his vehicle. Entering his work, police station, Zayn clips his badge on taking his hat off, "One or the other," he mumbles to himself sitting at his desk starting his computer. The homepage being the Christmas photo he'd cried about. 

Shaking it off he starts his daily reports, huffing as Max strolls over, "Me and you, domestic violence." The man states grabbing his jacket, Zayn grudgingly follows. He hated Domestic Violence. Hit a little too close to home. Not that Harry knew that.

Feeling like he had an extra whistle in his step, Harry grinned down at Louis who help his hand skipping next to him. Today he would be returning to work for good, and of course, his little monster just had to tag along. His daycare not being open today for a personal reason. Letting his baby press the elevator buttons, Harry cooed as Louis squealed seeing the mirror in the lift. "It me!" 

"It is you baby." Harry returns ruffling Louis' hair, "Ready for work?"

"Yes sir Papa!" Louis cheers, "'ere uncle Ni ni?" Louis asks leading Harry into his own office, "I take it you must come here often if you know where my office is." The Papa jokes to the hybrid who nods, "I's come help 'ya Papa." 

"What do you help me do baby?"

"I's help 'ya fill up 'da 'tuff."

"Fill up the stuff?" Harry repeats for confirmation, Louis nods puckering his lips, "You's 'doin good Papa." Harry chuckles, "Thanks, baby boy." 

Grabbing a clipboard that laid on his desk, Harry scans the papers chewing his bottom lip, "Okay, come on." He ushers entering the fifteen different patient rooms filling the containers with cotton swabs, and popsicle sticks. Louis helped, he picked out which lollipops to places in the rooms, "'Dis on for 'dat one." He says sticking all the blue ones in one vase and all the red in another. "You have to mix them bud." Niall calls entering the room as he stands at the doorway, "No's I's not." Louis replies sassily looking up to Harry for confirmation, "Yes you do, and drop the attitude." The hybrid pouts grumbling to himself as he does the task he's been assigned. 

"You're back." Niall states grinning, "I am." Harry repeats sighing as he runs a hand through his hair, "So, it's only fair that I treat us to lunch then." Niall hums bringing out a debit card, "Liam's going through a 'buy-everything-on-Amazon' phase, therefore I took his card." Harry raises an eyebrow with a laugh, "Look at you adulting."

"Sweetie I've been adulting since I was born, and I'm damn-"

"Watch the language, Zayn says this one likes to curse." Harry warns Niall smirks nodding, "I've heard it. Said the F word in front of you once, my God you grabbed him so fast-" As Niall's expressing the memory, Harry can't help but feel upset. It was as if he had missed out on Louis' life more than already. He had apparently been this perfect Papa, and he couldn't even remember it.

Pulling onto the curb, Zayn exits first tightening his coat, "Open up! Officer Malik, we just want to talk." No response comes for minutes, Max behind him furrowing his eyebrows standing with a hip cocked out and his thumbs inside his belt loops. Soon the screened door is being open, a woman looking mid-thirties stands to look confused, "Y-yes?" Stuttering, a clear sign of something being wrong.

"The station was called about a domestic dispute, said this address, you know anything about that?" The woman's eyebrows are knitted together, "No, I'm sorry. I um, perhaps it's the wrong address." Zayn nods sticking his tongue in his cheek as he leans closer, "I need you to blink twice if someone can hear us inside that house." The woman parts her lips, her arms wrap around her as she slowly blinks once, twice. 

"Alright ma'am, sorry to waste your time." Zayn says loudly backing away and signaling Max to run around back.

Parking his SUV, Harry carries his baby inside kissing his cheeks until they were rosy, "You're just so cute boo." Louis giggles pecking Harry as well, "So, I have news." Harry states once the three were seated and Louis was distracted by coloring. Niall nods, "Z-Zayn said we got a-a divorce, but that it was all his fault." Niall chokes on his freshly ordered water, "He's full of shi-" Harry's eyes widen at the man's words, Niall realizing then that Zayn could've possibly had a plan when he told Harry that. 

"U-uh, I-I mean, h-he's taking all the credit a-and you might've you know, I-I just don't remember it being so one sided." Niall beats around the bush knowing in Harry's panicked orbs he had to replace the sudden fear with the reassurance that Zayn was one again a loving man. As soon as the Maliks got their crap together, maybe he and Liam could have a fucking wedding.

"That was really smart back there." Max praises sitting on the edge of Zayn's desk later that afternoon. "Thanks, Mate." Zayn returns clicking off his browser, his picture on full display. "So how are things going with Harry?"

"W-would you lie to someone you love?" Zayn suddenly asks, "Like to Siva? Well, I guess it depends." Max replies, "Right, yea."

"Did you lie to someone?"

"Yes, but it was the right thing to do." Zayn mumbles hanging his head, Max nods chewing his bottom lip before rising, "You know, I've learned, Sometimes the hardest thing to do, is the right thing." Zayn nods thanking his friend as he heads to his car. When he pulls into his drive way, Zayn smiles seeing Harry's White SUV is already parked in the garage. It felt so right to have him back. Felt as if for fucking once in Zayn's life everything was perfect again. Yet it wasn't. The hardest thing to do, is the right thing. Well, what if, The worst thing to do, was always the easiest? 

Hitting his head on the steering wheel to avoid any further mind joggling thoughts, Zayn exits his car entering his house with a grin seeing Louis playing on the kitchen floor with Harry at the stove in scrubs. It was the most simple house hold scene that Zayn had missed most.

>>Looks who's back, back again. Okay, I do apologize for leaving this story on Read, it's one of my babies. So I'll be back to updating it as regularly as I can. Lots of Love, Emma :) 

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