Chapter 7

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Driving down the dimly lit highway, Harry feels the sudden urge to roll down the windows letting the outside air whisp through his hair cooling his body entirely. 

He had been so emotional, knowing he not only ruined one but two relationships with his cheating. Harry wouldn't deny how shitty it made him feel to be running away, not that he knew where he wanted to run. 

"I feel like we've been through this," Zayn starts his hands cupped out the mug that held steaming tea. Louis was knocked out holding his lion in the playpen just a room over, "Through Harry leaving you?" Liam asks furrowing his eyebrows, "No, that we've had a fight where we realized how fucking bad we were for each other." 

Having called his friend over to help him put Louis down the father knowing seeing some familiar face other than Zayn's would do the trick; the adults were now sitting at the table both drinking tea with stoic faces. 

The conversation was ending, Liam gathering his jacket as he brought his mug over towards the sink. He downs what little he had left as he would a shot before rinsing it giving Zayn once more glaze over with his puppy brown eyes, "Zayn," He speaks directing himself towards the door as if to show he had little left to say before making his exit, "If you're so bad for each other, don't you think it's to let go then?"

Nodding at his friend's words, Zayn glances down as the man leaves shutting the door completely behind him. His eyes flicker to Louis' sleeping body, his furry ears standing up amongst his feathery hair, his beautiful cerulean eyes hidden as he's deep in slumber.

Zayn hopes he's having good dreams, he carries him to his own bed tucking him in further leaving the boy fully with a kiss on his head. Sitting on the bed in his own room he scans the sad other side of the bed that looked as desolate as the day Harry got into a wreck. 

Hazel eyes draw towards the wedding photo on Harry's nightstand, standing lonely with the turned off lamp. Laying down he stretches across the bed grasping the picture in his hands, watching it as if it'd move at given command, Zayn curses when he feels tears gathering in his eyes. He needed to stay strong, finally feeling okay and secure again, Zayn needed to be okay.

When his phone vibrates, Zayn jumps quickly fumbling around in the room pressing the green button before checking to see who it was, "Hello?" He asks eyebrows furrowed resting his forehead in the palm of his hand, "Hey,"  Harry speaks on the other line, Zayn raises his head pursing his lips together as he grabs a notebook and pen, "H-hey, w-where are you at?" 

Glancing around at the barren location, Harry takes note of Zayn's soft shuffling on the other line. Something tells Harry he's ready for the answer when he decides not to share it, "I-I'm not sure."

"Do you have a hotel room?" Zayn questions further, his police skills not breaking Harry who's already on the verge of broken.

"I paid in cash," he admits chewing his bottom lip, "H, just let me know you're safe." Zayn begs slumped over, "I-I'm safe." Harry repeats staring outside through the frosted glass in the phone booth, "W-when are you coming home?"

"I-I don't know," Zayn can hear the tears in Harry's tone, his own creeping down his cheeks, "W-why d-did you lie to me?" Harry asks himself sniffling as his forest eyes travel down to the ring he still had on his finger, "Because I loved you, Harry." 

"Y-you don't hurt the ones you love-"

"But we do, we have." Zayn reminds clearing his own throat avoiding the lump rising in it, "I don't know what I want anymore."

"I don't either." Zayn confesses, "I-Is Louis asleep?"

"Yeah," Zayn pauses wiping his eyes, "I never meant to hurt you."

"I-I never meant to fall in love with you again Zayn. I-I know how to Love Niall, I don't know to love you, a-and I don't think I did." Harry has to stop to cover his oncoming sobs, he tries his hardest to ignore Zayn's protests on the other line, "Ha-Harry stop, Harry stop! W-where are you? Harry-"

"I'm sorry. T-tell Louis, I love him," Slamming the phone down Harry throws himself against the back of the phonebooth sobbing.

>Hot Damn this story is depressing. I literally have to play the saddest playlist to depress myself enough to write this. Lots of Love, ~Emma :)<

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