Chapter 22: Limbo

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The car ride so far has been long and bumpy, just like car rides are designed to be. I groan as we hit another rocky bump. I shift in my seat, completely uncomfortable with the leather seats sticking to my skin. I just can't wait to get back to the pack and stretch my legs.

"You look tired." Conan speaks.

"You're the one who's been driving nonstop for hours." I point out.

"I just want to get home as soon as possible." He says. "No time for stops."

"You're lucky I don't have to pee." I mumble.

He laughs and takes his eyes off the road to look at me for a second.

"You should get some rest." He says. "I'll wake you up when we are there."

"That doesn't seem fair to you now does it?" I say. "Me, sleeping, while you are forced to stay wired and awake. Why don't we take turns driving?"

Conan smiles, "Don't worry about me, just worry about you."

I look at him, studying him. I don't remember a time where I have seen him this... happy. Were his words really true? Does he really need me? A part of me thinks it's all a ruse, but another part of me knows its true.

I smile to myself as I shove my hands into my pocket, closing my eyes, trying to fall asleep. I then snap my eyes open, my face changes to that of confusion when my fingers touch something small, cold and made of glass.

The bottle...

I pull it out of my pocket and examine it. I don't remember putting it on my person to begin with. I look over to Conan to see him focused on driving. The words of the old woman play in my head as I pull the cork out of the bottle.

I take a deep breath and drink it all.

Time passes and I feel nothing. I shove the bottle back in my pocket and sigh. I look outside the car window, groaning as I realize we still have some hours left till we get back to our own pack.

Suddenly I grow cold. I feel light headed. I look at my hands as I try and curl my fingers. My joints ache as I exhale, able to see it as if I was standing outside in the snow.

"I-I can see my b-breath..." I stammer out.

"What?" Conan questions.

Before I can respond, my eyelids grow heavy. I try to fight it but soon the darkness invades me. I feel as if I am falling, falling into a blackened abyss.


I jump up and look around me. A light fog fills the area. Trees with no leaves are everywhere and the sky is so white it is almost blinding. I stand and look at the ground covered in dew drops.

"I have been expecting you." A voice echoes, sounding like small bells.

I look up at the source. A woman looms over me standing far taller than I. Her eyes look as if they held every star there has ever been. Her silver hair flows at her sides and her ebony skin almost reflects the night sky. I instantly knew who she was.

I kneel before her and bow my head. My heart still races as I wait for her to speak again.

"Arise, my creation, for now is not the time for formal greetings."

I stand up and look back at her. I gulp as her intimidating stare follows my every action. I step back, allowing myself to see more of her without straining my neck.

"You know who I am. I go by many names." She speaks. "The one your kind is most familiar with is Fengári, Goddess of The Silver Moon. I am correct, aren't I?"

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