Prologue: Beginnings & Endings

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"You can never run from your past, you just have to look forward"

Ruby Valdez


The last and final box was carried by my twin brother, packed into the depths of the moving truck. "I can't believe we are moving from this old town already. I mean, we grew up here... why leave now?" My brother asked, giving himself second thoughts. I shook my head in disbelief. "How many times do I have to explain Leo, we can't stay here. It's rather the place we're moving to or Detroit. We can't afford it here anymore and you know it." He muttered after my statement, knowing I am right. I don't want to leave either... but I have to. "You have Al's phone number right?" I asked and he nodded. "Heather and Kyle's to. Even Ray's... she seemed stubborn not to give it to me though.. meh." He shrugged and I chuckled. He gives jokes at the worst times I swear... I start inching my way to the drivers seat, until a warm hand touches my shoulder. I turn around to find my twin. "What is it?" I ask, almost making a scowl. I don't want to be mean, but I want to get out of here as soon as possible. "Ruby... we're coming back to Westedge... right?" He asked like a little kid. I smiled and looked at him, trying to act serious. "Leo, I swear on my own grave, that one day we will come back here and visit, or even move if we have to, and maybe settle back into our old apartment. I admit, I don't want to move to this place either but all I want to do is settle in somewhere and be one thing... happy." I whisper the last part and he nods. I look on the ground to find something... something shiny. I questioned in thought and looked over at my not even paying attention twin. "Leo, come here, look at this" I whispered, looking at the shiny object. He picks it up carefully to find a... picture frame. He looks into it, and seconds later his eyes popping out of his head. I look over to find a picture of us and our best friends as kids. There was Leo, with his curly locks and soft brown eyes, attracting any girl that comes his way. He has tight jeans and a bright orange sweater with a huge flame on the back. "What a hot shot" I thought and looked at the others. I looked at the picture more clearly to find Leo having his arm around two people, one of our best friends, Alex, and then the kid figure of me. Alex, or Al, had his hair straightened with a awesome sweatshirt saying: 'West Edge public schools', having his last name on the back. Other then Leo, he has loose jeans and worn out sneakers, kind of like he didn't care, which of course he didn't. I look over to the right to find a scrawny looking boy with poofy hair, which was just so... fabulous. He had the tightest jeans out of us all, with converse sneakers to show off his fabulous style. Next was a girl, who had a big bow in her hair, smiling with her toothy grin. She had a good old' yankees shirt and just some sweatpants, showing off how she didn't care the slightest. Then I saw me, in the little corner, right next to Leo. I had my hair in a side pony tail that was shining with the sun along with my braces. I had a big music note on my sweatshirt, and some white khakis, along with some boys basketball sneakers. Next to me, was a girl with long short hair, with bright red glasses and braces. She wore a pokemon t-shirt with bright green khakis. We were an odd, fabulous group, let me tell ya. I started to tear up and I looked at Leo. "Lets get out of here." I whispered and he nodded along. He gets into the drivers seat and I sit right beside to him, driving away from our past.

6 years later...


Ruby V.

I look at the face of my stubborn boss, looking at him in the eye. Ugh, I hated this guy, I just want to get home to my brother, is that so hard to ask for? "Ms. Valdez, I need to tell you something very important." The man said, making his double chin stand out. I stand up straight, holding my papers up closely to my chest, and trying to hold in my terrible sarcasm. "Yes sir?" I ask, holding the papers tightly, crossing my fingers he isn't going to say what I think he's going to say. The man takes a deep breath and looks into my eyes. "Ms. Valdez, we do not need your assistance anymore, so may we please ask you to pack your stuff up and leave. We enjoyed your service, and thank you for working with us." I took a deep breath and walked to my what used to be cubicle, and sighed. That was EXACTLY what I was hoping, didn't happen. I put my last and final items in the packing box, and leave silently, trying to hold in my tears. I was just fired for no reason whatsoever. I was just... crushed. What did I ever do in my past life to deserve this?! I take a deep breath, and head on the road to get to my apartment. My brother will be even more crushed then me... Well it doesn't matter, right? I pulled in into the parking lot and carried my box to the door, unlocking it with with great difficulty. I finally get in to find my brother face desking himself on the table, hearing him silently sob. Did my old job call or...? I put the box down quickly, pull a chair up to him, and hug my brother tightly. "Dude, what's wrong..." I ask him, pulling him back so I can look at him. His usual brown curls are sagging down, along with his eyelids that are now sore from crying. "Roo, we're going to lose this place. Don't you get your pay che-" He was cut off by my fast talking: "I got fired, we have no hope." He sighed, disappointed. "Well then, we have no where else to go. What place could possibly let us in?" I slid my hand on my cheek and thought deeply, trying to awnser the question my brother has asked. Who could possibly take us in? Unless....

"Leo, I swear on my own grave, that one day we will come back here and visit, or even move if we have to, and maybe settle back into our old apartment. I admit, I don't wan't to move to this place either but all I want to do is settle in somewhere and be one thing... happy."

I smile at my own words and glance at the picture of the 6 bestfriends. It makes my smile turn into a grin, then I look into the eyes of my twin once more. "Leo, we're moving back to Westedge."

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