Chapter 7: Screwed Up Once Again

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Chapter 7

"Look what you did! Stay away from me!"

Ruby Valdez & Alexander Zona


Ruby V.

I plopped down on my comfy, worn out couch and put a big grin on myself. I did it. I got the job. It was great, I finally could help my brother with the place other then cleaning it. Before I could even lean back, I heard my phone ringing from across the room. I groaned, since I had to get up, and picked it up. "Hello, Ruby Valdez speaking." I say and I hear a cheerful laugh from the other side of the line.

"Hey Roo! It's me, your manager. I changed my mind, you're going to have to switch over to night shift, from 7:00 pm to 9:00 am, is that okay with you?" He asks and I think. It's an extra hour, so I'm fine. "Sounds great!" I exclaim and he chuckles. "Great, glad we have a trooper on the Roundabout team. I'll see you Saturday!" He excitedly states, then ends the call.

I sighed and sat down on the couch, kind of wanting to take a nap. Leo is at a concert now with Ray, and Heather is with Kyle doing who knows what. I have no other friends to contact except...

"Ugh are you kidding me." I told myself as I took the phone and called one of the stupidest people I know.


Alexander Z.

I got up and went to the fridge, really hungry after a long day with my 'father'. I'm positive he's gonna be really close to disowning me anytime soon.

After I make myself a really large sandwich, I hear the phone ring, kind of hoping it was Leo. "Don't be stupid Al, he's on a 'friendly' date with Ray."  I think to myself as I walk over to the phone. It's Valdez's number, but I don't think he would call me at a FOB concert...

No... It can't be.

"Hey Ruby? Why call me?" I ask, bright red. Wait, why was I blushing? "It's the heat"  I tell myself and I put my attention back on the call:

"Oh, it's just that I went to a interview and got the job! I was hoping you'd come celebrate with me!" Ruby exclaimed, almost so cheerful it's like her old self was thrown out the window. "Sure! I'll see you in a few!" I say and hang up before she could say goodbye. I  run towards my coat rack, and put on some gloves and a scarf. Before I can even turn the door knob, I hear a familiar voice I heard almost all my life:

"HEY! Where you going Zona?" She asks me and I groan. "I'm going to Valdez's house, I'll see you in a bit okay?" I say and she yells back an okay. I chuckle and see myself out the door, still bright red from that experience.

"Am I really going to go and hangout with Ruby? Ugh why am I getting so self conscious all of a sudden? I usually never care! Unless..."  That's when I stopped in my tracks. No. I can't. I've known her for years, she's only a friend. But holding it in won't help, so I decided to keep walking. When the right time comes, hopefully at the hangout/mini party, I'll just tell her. It won't hurt our friendship at all. We've known each other way to long.

Just as I thought that, I once again arrived at the crappy apartment. "Saturday, place is mine." I mumble to myself as I keep walking straight upstairs to #65. I press the door bell that has peeling paint, just as bad as everything else in this apartment all because of my fathers cheap ways. That's when Ruby opened the door, in some yoga pants and some cat tee. 

"Come in Al, I just made coffee." I say and I slide myself in. "Place looks great." I say taking my coat, my eyes glued on everything. They put up paintings, put furniture around nicely, and finally got rid of those boxes. "Thanks! I did most of it since Leo was at work, but he still did the kitchen and his bedroom at least." She says, grabbing me a mug of black coffee, just the way I like it.


Ruby V.

There's only one thing I learned from talking to this guy for 10 minutes: He's weird.

I always thought he hated me, so I 'hated' him twice as hard. And that's one of my motto's: 'They hit you? Hit em back TWICE AS HARD.' It's a good motto, just sometimes it could get you into trouble. So for years our immature selves went from battle to battle, fight to fight, and finally one day I gave up, swallowed my pride, and said I'm sorry. I thought he would've laughed at me and called me stupid or a dingbat, but he smiled and forgave. That's when we finally got to know each other again. I smile on my old memories and look over at Alexander, who was bright red and tapping nervously on his mug.

"Something wrong Alex?" I ask and he shakes his head while looking like a tomato. 'Yeah I'm fine, no worries." He looked down at his coffee and mumbled something to himself, and he looked kind of.. sad actually.

Never in my life have I seen a Zona sad before. I mean sure, I've seen anger, excitement all the time, and most of the time happy, but sad? Never,. I was pretty astonished and then I finally figured out the mystery: He's hiding his emotions.

He has a bad family bond, not including Misty, he doesn't have that great of a past, and every time he dates a girl, let's just say he screws up. Badly. The guy could never keep one thing for that long, he had to move on the the next as quickly as possible.

I look at the poor guy with sympathy. Maybe I do care for him..

"Seriously. Look, never in my life have I seen you sad, so just tell me what's wrong with you so we can get those bottled up feelings out of your system." I say and he looks at me, in a curious and surprising way. I was always straight forward, and I never baby anyone. Leo's the opposite, and he always says I'm to tough, so maybe he's the right one to talk to.

Or maybe I'm wrong.



Alexander Z.

"Well..." I begin to say as I think. I don't actually know myself. Should I tell her? She's always been rough around the edges, but so am I, so maybe she'll have the same reaction. 

"Um, I like.." I begin to say and she stops me right then and there. "Heather." She says, a small smile playing on her face. I shake my head rapidly, and she chuckles. "Well Ray most likely isn't your type. Are you gay?" She asks and I shake my head. Why such a question, for gods sake? "Aw, I could totally see you and Kyle together." She says laughing harder then ever, along with me turning red in embarrassment. This was just getting ridiculous. 

"Okay, so it isn't Heather, You're not gay so it isn't Kyle or Leo... Ray?!" She asks once again and it's my time to laugh.

"Noooo, that's Leo's fish to catch, not mine." I say with a smile. She has to be so clueless if she didn't figure out yet. She looks at me, totally confused, and I chuckle to myself at this guessing game. "Okay, so it isn't that... is it someone in our little group?" She asks and I nod. 

"There isn't anyone left in our group except... me?"

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