Chapter 29 Arlize POV

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I sit with my ear to the door listening to see if the fight between Aurlk and Rufus had settled down. The last thing I have heard was their mother screaming at them, I'm guessing after that they have stopped as in's silent...

-Door slam-

I jump up from the sound which seemed to have come from the front door. I rush to the bed and jump on top of it to look out the window...nobody's out there. I keep standing looking around a bit more to see if there's a wolf figure running into the woods across the street all I see is some cars speed by.

-Door opens and closes-

I spin around to see Aurlk standing there holding a bloody rag to his eye, I then nearly fall off the bed when I rush over to him; "Baby what happen!" I grab his face and reach to move his hand out the way, but he push me back with his arm.

"Liz baby I'm fine"

"No you're not you're bleeding!" I grab his hand this time and he pushes me move back; "Liz get off!"

"No! Let me see so I can fix it"

He glares at me with his undamaged eye which soon makes me panic due to realizing that the eye that's injured, is the one that he has a scar; "My eye is fine, what are you some doctor?"

I glare at him; "well I have a nursing degree so in this case, yes I am, and you should be grateful and lucky as hell that your mate is one, due to your crazy ass stunts, and fights, and your damn temper"

He pushes past me and sits down on the bed; "Anything else you want to get off your damn chest"

"No..." I walk over to my suitcase and grab the first aid kit that I always carry around with me. I then sit down next Aurlk and open up the aid kit and began looking for some gauze and disinfectant; "I want to fix your eye, unless you want to go to the hospital" I give him a look of reassurance that I will drag him to the closest hospital. He growls at me and lays back on the bed; "Alright fine, just get it over with".

I give him a smile, and pull out a rag and dip it in the disinfectant; "Ok, remove the rag from your eye"

"You're not putting straight disinfectant on to my eye"

I put the rag down and move his hand out the way, i then slowly remove the bloody rag and stop...

Aurlk groans and closes his other eye; "is it that bad?"

-glup-; "umm, yeah the scar kind of reopened"

"so you're going to stitch it?"

"I can you want me to?"

"well at this point i don't want to be drove to the hospital"

I sigh and search through my kit for a needle and thread; "If you don't want to..."

"I'm going to do it I'm fine...just scared of hurting you is all"

"just give me a pillow or something to squeeze"

I grab a pillow from behind him and let him hold onto it, i then grab the disinfectant and clean off the thread. I then pull the thread though and sit it down on the rag, i grab the bloody rag and walk into the bath and get a clean wet one. I look at my mate with a bit of worry before moving forward and wiping most of the blood away. I then grab the needle and hold his eye close together; "ok, you're ready?"


I slowly insert the needle into his skin and began to push it through to the other side of the left side of his skin. While all the meanwhile Aurlk lets out small sounds of a wince, but more of whimpering. I pull the rest of the needle through quickly and into a zigzag pattern down his eye until i reach the top of his eyelid and tie the thread into a tight knot.

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