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The hallway grew silent as the sound of the loud gun lingered in our ears.

No one believed that I had actually done it. I haven't believed it myself until I saw the fresh hole in the man's shoulder.

"You shot me!" Dr. Johnson shouted, yelling to his knees, his right arm gripping his wound. "You...you actually shot me!"

Junior stood still beside his father, under of what to do.

The man on the floor reached into his pocket, grabbing his walkie-talkie. His son quickly snatched it from Dr. Johnson's hand.

"Joe Johnson Junior!" His father shouted. "Give that back to be immediately! Are you insane?!"

Junior looked at Jack and I, who patiently waited for his next move. The next thing I know, the walkie-talkie was crushed under the sole of Juniors leather boot.

His father watched in anger, before Junior looked at us. "Run!" He demanded.

I hesitated. I didn't want to leave Junior behind. He was my best friend, and helped me so much. But I had to.

I grabbed Jack's hand, pulling him down the hall passed Junior and his wounded dad.

Finally, we made it to the big metal doors. There was a metal pad, similar to the ones beside every door. But I knew the only hand that could open it was Dr. Johnson's.

I aimed the gun at the machinery of the lock, before shooting twice. Jack covered his ears, before the two doors slid open.

The chill air filled our lungs as we peered out into the dark night. I looked back at Junior, who stood, watching us as his father attempted to shout for help.

"You can come." I offered.

I shook his head. "I have a dad to take care of now. Good luck, Rose."

My eyes filled with tears, making my vision blurry. I nodded, biting my bottom lip until it turned white.

I looked at Jack, before the concrete of the ground outside. One step on that concrete, and my life at Johnson Facilities is over. I will most likely never see Junior again. And I will constantly be on the run from the authority.

"Are you ready?" He asked. Of course, I wasn't ready. The whole night I was far from ready.

I sighed. "No." I answers truthfully, my bottom lip quivering as a tear slid from my cheek.

Jack took my hand in his cold one, before stepping through the large doorway. I did the same.

I looked back, my eyes meeting Juniors for the last time. Then, the doors shut.

"I'm sorry." Jack said, squeezing my hand comfortably. "I know how much you care for him."

"We need to find a car." I said, disregarding what Jack had said.

I began to jog down the paved path, before noticing a large fenced lot of trucks. They were all labelled "Johnson Facilities". How unnoticeable.

I then ran towards the lot, expecting Jack to follow.

"Let's climb." I said, taking my bag off and handing it to him. "Throw it to me once I'm up."

He nodded, before I grabbed onto the fence. I wedged my foot into the spaces between the wired metal, climbing up towards the top. Finally, once I was at the top, I climbed down the other side.

Jack tossed my bag over the barrier, and I caught it, quickly putting it on my back.

"Okay, you're turn." I reminded. He nodded, nervously walking over to the fence.

He climbed up like I did, climbed over, and jumped down once he was close enough to the ground.

"Now, lets pick our wheels." I said, walking by the rows of trucks. Finally, I found one to my liking. Not to big, not too small. Inconspicuous enough for me.

I grabbed a scrap metal bar off the ground, before walking over to the vehicle. I swung it against the glass, but it didn't break. I tried again, but it was the same result.

"It's bullet proof." I said, throwing the metal back onto the ground.

Jack grabbed the handle of the truck, pulling it. And to my surprise, it opened.

"Well shit!" I said, laughing slightly.

I opened the drivers door, before climbing in and shutting it behind me.

I the reached down towards the pedals, and pulled the plastic cover of the wires and machinery behind the petals.

I fiddled with some wires, before grabbing two specific ones.

"Pass me the knife." I ordered to Jack, who sat in the passengers seat. The young man rummaged through the contents of the bag, before pulling out a pocket knife. I pressed the button, the blade springing from its holder.

I cut the two wires, before pressing them together, hoping to start the car with the electric current from them both.

"Come on..." I mumbled to the red and green wires in my hands.

"Uh, Rose..." Jack muttered, tapping my shoulder gently.

"What?" I snapped, getting frustrated.

"Look!" He pointed behind us.

I lifted my head, turning in my seat before looking through the back window. The power of the facility turned on, and giant lights that acted like giant flashlights scanned the area.

"They're looking for us!" I told him. I noticed that one light was about to go over the car. For sure, they would've seen us through the window. "Duck!" I shouted. We both ducked behind the seats as the blinding light scanned over the car.

"How many of those lights do they have?!" Jack asked, sitting up once the light had passed.

"A lot." I answered, going back to attempting to start the car.

Finally, the engine started running and exhaust pored through the muffler. It was on.

I took the car off park and put it in reverse, before quickly backing up. Finally, I switched to a normal gear, and sped off.

Jack watched in front of him intensely.

"There's a light!" He shouted.

The large light scanned over our car, before a loud alarm began to go off.

I pressed on the pedal even harder, forcing the car to be faster. "Hold on." I told him.

We began to approach the gate, and I knew there was no time to get out and open it. So I decided to go through it.

The moment the front of our stolen truck hit the gate, it instantly broke open.

I turned onto a paved road which would take us off the property of Johnson Facilities. I needed to get out as fast as I could. It wouldn't have been long until they send backup.

Suddenly, I heard something bounce off the top of the truck. Something fast and metal.

A bullet.

"They're shooting at us!" I said, looking into my rear view mirror, but I couldn't see them.

"Turn here!" Jack pointed at another road. I didn't hesitate to jerk the wheel that way, causing Jack to wave from side to side in his seat.

I began to recognize the roads from the blueprints, and knew exactly how to get out.

I turned left one more time, and then a right.

Soon enough, we weren't on paved road anymore. We were in the middle of nowhere.

I could still hear the sounds of the facility's escape alarm.  But I paid no attention to what was happening behind me. I just kept driving. No matter how hard it was to leave my best friend, it had to be done.

Titanic II: Revival (REVISING!)Where stories live. Discover now