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Scattered across my desk, bed, and even my bedroom floor were papers with information of all kind.

Useless information.

Everything the Internet told me about the victims of the Titanic, I had already known. There is no proof of a Jack Dawson to have ever lived, or even board the Titanic in 1912. I had checked every source, and even books from an online library. But it was useless. Jack wasn't a part of history, and no one knew who he was.

But somehow, he knew who I was? He mentioned something about "his Rose", and I knew he didn't mean a flower.

I sighed, staring blankly at the large computer monitor in front of me, before I had gotten a sudden idea.

I dashed for the phone on my nightstand, dialling the telephone number I had memorized so well. The line rung a couple times, before someone had finally picked up.

"Rose? Dear, is everything alright?" Said an older, female voice.

"Uh, yeah mom. I'm just doing some research and I need your help." I said, fumbling for a piece of paper and a pen.

"Sure sweetie, what do you need help with?" She asked.

"Well," I started. "I just need to know if you've ever heard about a man named Jack Dawson who was on board the Titanic. You always talked about the stories Great Grandma told you about the Titanic, and was wondering if-"

"Why do you need to know this?" She asked abruptly.

I hesitated to answer, knowing that an employee trusted with such secrets of the lab shouldn't tell anyone about the experiments that go on within.

"I'm just wondering." I lied, biting my lip.

The line went silent, before she sighed and began to speak again. "Jack Dawson was a third class passenger on the Titanic. Him and his best friend won their tickets in a game of poker, the day of the actual boarding. He saved your great-grandmother from committing suicide off the side of the boat. He pulled her back on. After that, the two were inseparable. Until, the sinking." She paused, her voice getting shaky. "He saved her again that night. They found a piece of drift wood, and it may have fit both of them but it would've tipped over. He insisted that she be the one to sit on it. Then he..." she trailed off.

"He froze." I finished for her. "He froze completely, and sunk to the bottom of the ocean."

She sniffled. "Oh this story breaks my heart every time I tell it. My own grandmother had gone through the most terrible situation you could possibly think of!"

"What happened after? Is my grandma their baby?" I asked, now wanting all the answers I can get.

"Oh no..." she laughed slightly. "We have no Dawson blood in our veins. He is not a relative. Your great-grandmother was forced to marry a rich man by her mother. She was forced to have a child. And that child is your grandmother."

I quickly wrote down everything on the blank, lined paper I had in front of me. "Is that it?" I asked, holding the phone to my ear with my shoulder.

"Yes, that's it." She answered. "Are you sure this isn't for anything else?"

"No, just for personal stuff." I reassured her. "I should probably get to sleep though, I have a long day tomorrow. You should sleep too." I took the phone in my hand again.

"I will sweetie, I hope I helped. Good night, I love you Rose." She said sweetly in her motherly tone.

"I love you too mom." I told her, before putting the phone back in the receiver.

Titanic II: Revival (REVISING!)Where stories live. Discover now