6.9K 213 44

Seven cabs and over seven hours after the kiss at the gas station, we arrived at the American/Canadian border at Niagara Falls, New York.

No one said it, but we had both been thinking it.

The kiss was a bit weird.

Not only do I happen to be a doppelgänger of my great-grandmother, but he had happened to have an affair with her over eighty years ago. Not only that, but he is literally 107 years old. Technically, he is 20.

All these facts floated around my mind during the hours of travel, but I didn't care.

Sure, our relationship—whatever it was—was controversially scandalous... but at the end of the day, the only ones who had to accept it was Jack and I. But of course, I wasn't going to let an affair with him get in the way of our plan.

"That'll be $170." Said the Taxi driver as he turned to look at me from his seat at the front.

I dug into my pocket, taking out whatever money was left. $180.

I handed the bills to the man, insisting he kept the change considering we wouldn't need it anymore.

Jack and I both opened our doors on opposite sides of the vehicle, stepping out and shutting them before the car drove off. We looked at each other nervously, before at the large bridge in front of us.

The name of the bridge was Rainbow Bridge. It crossed over the Niagara River, and was available for pedestrians. The first thing I noticed, were the policeman who stood by the entrance. They had been chatting, clearly not worrying about anything suspicious.

I walked forward, nudging Jack to do the same.

We walked side by side on the sidewalk by the road as we approached the bridge, coming closer to the policemen.

The policemen on the American side didn't seem to recognize us. So we kept walking.

We passed a few bikers, fellow pedestrians, and cars as they made their way from each side to the other. Finally, what seemed like forever, we reached the Canadian side.

We were instantly greeted by Canadian officers, who, unlike the Americans, recognized us instantly.

"Hey, you!" One of them shouted, causing the others to look at us. Jack and I stopped in our tracks as a few officers approached us. "Are you Rose Bukater?" Asked the young light man, who barely had any stubble on his cheeks.

I nodded.

"You're going to have to come with me." The policeman grabbed my arm, turning me around and cuffing my wrists together behind my back. I turned my head to see them doing the same to Jack.

I prayed that Junior was right, and that his plan would work.

• • •

What seemed like hours, but was really more like 45 minutes, the policeman who arrested me entered the interrogation room they had me locked in. I was handcuffed to the table, and I knew I had no chance of escaping by myself.

"What are you doing with a billion dollar walking-talking Johnson experiment?" He asked, sitting on the table.

"Shut up." I said angrily, not being able to believe what I was hearing. "He is a human, for your information."

"I don't give a rats ass if the man next door was a newborn puppy!" He leaned closer to me, clenching his teeth. "He is property of the United States. Johnson Labs, to be specific. And you took him. You're number one in the news. Congratulations."

"He is no ones property." I said sternly, refusing to look at the man beside me. For some reason, he seemed very angry about a problem that did not involve him. "I want to speak to the chief."

He laughed. "Chief? I haven't heard anyone call him that in years! But sure, if you insist." He stood up from the table. "But I'm warning you, he ain't got no soft spots."

The young man, who could fool you due to his innocent looks (fooled me), walked out of the room.

Minutes later, and older, darker man entered with a badge labelled "sheriff".

"You asked for me?" He said as the door shut behind him, standing by it as if he was ready to leave.

"Junior sent me. Says you owe him one." I look at the tall, bald man. "I'm the one you owe him."

The sheriff gulped, before opening the door. "Excuse me for a second." He then slipped out of the room, before returning again about 2 minutes later. "I turned the cameras and microphones off in here for some privacy." He explained as he walked over to the table I had been handcuffed to, taking a seat in the chair across from me. "What is it that he wants?"

"Sneak me out. Get me out of here safely without any trace of where I'm headed. With Jack." I told him.

"How do I know this ain't a trick? And that Junior really did send you?" He asked.

I shrugged. "You don't. But I can prove it to you if you take me to the nearest train station. I bet he's there."

The sheriff laughed. "He's not a no train station! The poor guy can barely go to the bathroom alone. His father is surely there with him."

"Things are different now Sir. I'm telling you, Junior snuck away. And if he ain't here, he's at a train station. Or he's going to be, anyway." I said in a convincing tone.

He sighed, digging into the pocket of his sheriff's jacket, before pulling out a pair of small keys. He stood from the chair, walking over to me and inducing me from the leg of the table.

I stood, thanking him, but he was quick to put the handcuffs back on me. "I'll tell the station I'm handing you in to Johnson Labs. So they don't get suspicious." He then lead me out of the room, and next door to Jack's room.

When the man cuffed to the table heard the door open, he grew scared, but sighed when he saw me. "Rose, I-"

"Shut up. Don't say anything." I said quickly, tapping my ear to symbolize that they were listening through microphones. Jack wasn't fast to understand technology, but he got the point.

The man grew silent before Sheriff walked over to him and released him from the table, but cuffed him again.

Jack looked at me with confusion, but I nodded as a sign that everything was going to be alright.

Sheriff then lead us to the main office, where he explained to the officer who had arrested me and Jack that he was handing us in himself. The officer looked over at me, smirking.

I smiled back, lifting my cuffed hands to stick both my middle fingers at him. Little did the asshole of an officer know, I wasn't going where he thought I was.

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