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My mother, who I hadn't seen smoke in years, tapped the tip of her cigarette against the ash tray.

"How is this possible?" She asked, taking a shaky drag, the cigarette between her middle and index finger.

"I still don't understand myself." Jack said, his hands folded on the wooden table. "All I know is that science is the reason I'm alive."

"This must be extremely hard for you, Jack." Smoke exited her mouth as she spoke. "I can only imagine the suffering of such a loss."

"I've learned to cope with it." He shrugged, looking over at me.

"They're coming." My mother blurted out before taking another inhale of tobacco.

I looked away from Jack and at the woman across from me. "Who's coming?" I asked in confusion.

"Dr. Johnson. I told him you were here. I didn't know that..."

"Oh my God..." I whispered, not bothering to listen to what my mother had to say. I quickly stood from my chair, pulling Jack with me as I rushed to my room. My mother followed.

"Don't leave! Just explain everything to Dr. Johnson!" She called out from behind us. I shook my head, entering my room and grabbing my backpack off the top of my bed. I filled it quickly with necessities, turning to look at Jack and my mother who stood at the doorway. If I stayed, I would have disappointed Jack. I'd have failed him. If I left, I would have disappointed my mother.

But she is my mother, so she would have to accept it eventually.

"I'm sorry mom, but Jack and I need to go." I rushed passed her, grabbing hold of Jack's arm again as I pulled him out of my room. The young man and I made our way to the front door, when the sound of an engine shutting off came from the other side of the door.

"No..." I whispered to myself as I peeked through the window by the door. Outside in the driveway, was a vehicle similar to the one I came in. A man with a bandaged shoulder stepped out of the passengers seat.

Dr. Johnson.

"We have to go through the back!" I shouted, pulling Jack through the kitchen and towards the back door.

"Rose! Please! This can be solved!" My mother said as she followed us around the house, banging emerging from the front door along with shouts.

"M'am!" Jack interrupted. "This is my life and I won't spend it as a science experiment." He said sternly, his eyes almost hidden under his long, blonde hair.

"You do realize I'll have to tell them where you're going." She sighed. "They'll have me arrested if I don't."

The banging continued.

"Which is exactly why we aren't going to tell you." I said as I opened the back door. I looked outside into my backyard, and noticed the sun was going down. It would be dark soon, and we couldn't waste any more time.

"It was a pleasure, Jack Dawson." My mother said, taking a drag of her cigarette once more, before the sound of the front door being broken down filled our ears.

I grabbed Jacks hand, pulling him out the back door and towards the wooden fence which separated my small yard from the neighbours around me.

I tossed my bag over one of the fences, before jumping up and climbing over it myself. Then Jack did the same.

We sprinted through the neighbouring yard, before coming cross a gate with a latch. I opened the latch, and quietly made my way through. Jack followed swiftly at my heels.

Titanic II: Revival (REVISING!)Where stories live. Discover now